XBox Update: August 2024

Posted by Scotsman on August 4, 2024 in XBox |

I participated in True Achievements “Boss Russ” event last month. There were 10 bosses and I think I beat 7 of them before tapping out.

Quite impressed I got that far with being at the cottage for a week, then away in Toronto twice.

Just realizing I didn’t update last month oops. Will be huge jumps.

I played a variety of games like Tech Glitch which I started and completed, Killer Instinct, and I beat It Takes Two with my son and got all the achievements.

Anyway here’s the full list since I last updated with the stats. Beating my buddy Brando in gamerscore finally after 4 or 5 years. Next step: TA Score.

Gamerscore: 381,475 (+10375)
TA Score: 648,053 (+17734)
Achievements: 15508 (+201)
TA Ratio: 57.21% (+0.20)
100% Games: 155 (+7 – Venma, Tech Glitch, Battleship, It Takes Two, Coffee Talk 2, Frog Detective, DPS Idle)

(+2 – Garfield, World Soccer Strikers)

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