XBox Update: December 2022

Posted by Scotsman on January 4, 2023 in XBox |

Well December was just a really good month.

I mentioned in the last update that I had my gallbladder removed. Well with spending all day on the couch for a couple of weeks, although I was still working the entire time on my Macbook, it kind of gave me a lot of time to think about a good work/life balance.

So I was able to go into December with a lot of plans. Basically M-T I work 2 hours in morning, 2 hours in afternoon. F-S I do 3 hours total each day. Helps me with my semi-retirement, gives me a lot of free time, and I’m able to keep on top of everything.

Then – Xbox.

I had just started playing Evil West last month. It just happened to come at the right time in life and really reinvigorated my love for XBox.

More importantly though I discovered the True Achievements challenges – specifically the 12 days of December one.

Basically when I play Xbox I like to do two things:

1: Play and beat new games.
2: Go back to older games and get achievements.

The latter can be really tough and can be a grind and can actually be very off-putting, but I also still enjoy doing it. But more and more I found it wore on me.

I joined the TA Challenge just for the heck of it because a friend was into it. It was stuff like “Get achievements that end in ….” etc and it just breathed new life into the whole thing for me. Suddenly I was sitting there playing ‘Splosion Man, a game I haven’t touched since 2011, for over an hour just to get one achievement to spell the word COOKIE – and I was loving every second of it.

So I’ve got a new plan with gaming now. I will join these challenges whenever they pop up and:

– I will primarily play new games.
– When there is a challenge, I will focus only on games I have beaten / need achievements in to complete.
– When there isn’t a challenge, I will get 1 chivo a day from one of those games.

Perfect. I’m someone that functions so much better on a routine etc so this will be nice.

With that – big list today let’s get to it:

Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition: Started and beat this this month which was nice. 21/59 achievements so far. Going to be chipping away at this one for the next little while and hopefully 1k it.

Level 22: Love the shit out of this game. Started it, at 11/23 achievements 415/1000 will get them all no doubt soon.

It’s Quiz Time: GOt the achievement for playing on Christmas Day which was nice as well as two other misc achievements.

Golf with Your Friends: At 12/46 in this not a great game will get what I can.

Evil West: Beat this on the 2nd of December. Ended at 15/29 for 355/1000. I plan to go through it again on the hardest difficulty at some point on New Game+. Should be 1kable I think.

Unpacking: Started this. Chill little game and quite fun. Good when I have some tome to kill. Should be easy to 1k. Currently at 7/25, 250/1000.

WWE 2K22: Got into this and downloaded basically every AEW wrestler lol. 12/54 achievements so far having fun with it.

Minigolf Adventure: 2 out of 11 achievements on this so far. Just started it. Quite fun. Always like these games I can just pick up and play quickly.

Sudoku: Getting close to wrapping this up 31/45 achievements and my premium membership ends in April so will get it then fully wrapped up.

Toybox Turbos: Started this for a challenge. Played a local match with another player got a chivo. 1/16.

Cooking Simulator: At 6/76 just did it for some achievements for the challenge but will go back to it for sure. Contols janky and a few achievementse that don’t work which is annoying.

Minecraft: Windows version did a few chivos in this got to 10/122. Might be a fun one to chip away at as I’d like to learn more about Minecraft again. I was into it when it was very basic.

Battletoads: Had played this awhile ago at a friends. Needed an achievement starting with I so got “It Begins” on this for your first collectible. 6/61.

Altered Beast: Got the remaining achievements in this as part of the challenge of getting chivos in a retro game. 12/12, 200/200. Yay a completed game.

A Memoir Blue: Really should wrap this easy one up this month. 8/15 right now.

Splosion Man: Man I had so much fun with this one lol. Anyway just the 1 achievement to get to 3/12 but totally going to go back to it.

Road Rage: I tried this when I bought it wasn’t really impressed. Going back to it for achievements a year later for the challenge I actually got into it a fair bit. At 5/33 and renewed interest in it.

Sega Megadrive Classics: For COOKIE I loaded this up and beat a Shinobi level without using a shuriken for Keep Your Powder Dry. Just 4/25 and I love these games so need to go through them.

WWE 2K16: Surprised how easy it was to pick up the controls in this. Got 2 achievements and at 13/55.

Killer Instinct: Shit did I have fun with this one for the challenge. Put me to just 19/464 but man I will deffo be going back to play this one had a ton of fun on it.

Fifa 21: Got like most of the achievements in this that I can. 22/36. Anything else is impossible or requires a ton of grinding so I believe I am done this one.

Retromania Wrestling: Forget what the challenge was but I got a bunch of achievements in this and had a ton of fun. Ended up at 12/39 and a fun one to go back to.

Stikbold: Got 2 achievements both starting with A. At 10/26.

NHL 22: Few misc achievements in this 18/47 still a bunch to get.

Wordament: One achievement in this for finishing a multiplayer game. 11/25 but not in a rush until I have beaten Sudoku completely on my phone.

Sonic & Knuckles: Achievement for collecting 100 rings I think for the letter E for COOKIE.

F1 2020: Played sone of the career mode in this just to get 2 achievements setting up own team then winning a race using manual transmission. Need to play this more.

Trivial Pursuit Live 2: We bough this as we love this type of game. Just the 1 achievement out of 15 so far.

Fifa 23: 5/39 so far. Just started it.

Fifa 22: Got a few misc achievements in this 8/37 still a bunch to go.

Jackbox 8: New game we bought and got 5/20 achievements so far.

Football Manager 2023: Wanted to keep my stream going to visited in game store for a chivo. 9/100.

Plague Inc Evolved: Think this was for COOKIE I believe. Got “On the Naughty List”. 29/187 achievements I enjoy this game one I need to grind more.

Gamerscore: 319,583 (+3560)
TA Score: 545,121 (+14855)
Achievements: 13,502 (+166)
TA Ratio: 55.10% (+0.35%)
100% Games: 124 (+1 – Altered Beast)

Goals for this month? To get All the Fifa & NHL games caught up and done with I think so that I am up to date on those for any future ones.

Start a new game – debating The High Life or Guardians of the Galaxy but probably the latter. Maybe get into Witfcher 3 tail end of the month.

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