XBox Update: July 2022

Posted by Scotsman on June 30, 2022 in XBox |

Well unfortunately, my daily achievement streak ended this month.

It lasted 176 days from January 1st, and I got 523 achievements in that time. Beats my previous streak of just 56 days. Crazy man you’d think I would have longer streaks going on over the years.

I’m not too concerned about it. Honestly it wasn’t something I was too focused on it was just an afterthought and most days I forgot about it until late at night.

I was in Chicago for AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door. I was actually prepared for achievements too. Had a few mobile games with easy achievements to get on them. Had my Surface with Halo Wars and Townscaper. I even was up early Saturday morning playing Halo Wars just to get achievements.

Sunday – totally forgot about it. Completely. Didn’t think of it once. Monday I woke up, went to the bathroom, pulled out my phone to play Suduko then thought “ah crap”.

So yeah that was it.

Not a big deal. I only started it because my buddy accidently let his streak end at like 802 days and I decided to be a twat and get an 803 day streak.

I also really hoped that it would actually get me playing more XBox. That wasn’t the case. Looking through June it was all individual achievements for most part. I even had a game on the go, American Fugitive, and played it only for a little bit.

So yeah. it is what it is. Really what I want to do is just play a hell of a lot of XBox as I have so many games, and I love playing them. Not sure what the trick is to that but we’ll see if I can figure it out at some point before I die.

Gamerscore: 313,613 (+1125)
TA Score: 526,702 (+2495)
Achievements: 13,251 (+50)
TA Ratio: 55.33% (-0.19%)
100% Games: 123

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