XBox Update: November 2021

Posted by Scotsman on November 1, 2021 in XBox |

Holy crap I actually have a good update this month.

It took until about the middle of the month but I actually figured out a way to have a flexible schedule going.

I spent the first couple of weeks of October really frustrated honestly – I was meant to have a flexible schedule but I ended up working a ridiculous amount of hours.

Middle of the month I went for a long run where I thought about it all and figured it out. Not that anyone reading really cares but here’s my work schedule:

Mon-Fri: Get my daily to do list and primary sports tips done for the day. Takes 60-90 minutes. Then I’m done until 1pm. 1pm-4pm I deal with anything that popped up during the day, and a few other tasks.

Sat-Sun is just the daily to do list and sports tips.

I’ve only implemented it for 2 weeks but I’m really enjoying it. It’s working out very well. I’ve also figured out the flexibility part of it well. For example 1st & 2nd are my busiest days of the month so I will do a ton of work both days which is Monday and Tuesday, then take the rest of the week off (save for daily tdl and sports tips).

Anyway to celebrate the new schedule, I started Far Cry New Dawn on the 13th of October and beat it on the 28th. Pretty damn proud of that I must say.

I’m griding the rest of the achievements I think – well some. For previous Far Cry games I’ve beaten them, said I will get all 1k and then never do.

Actually I got curious and looked.

Far Cry 3, 1ked. Far Cry 5, 1ked. Far Cry Primal 8 achievements left. Far Cry 5 oof 21 achievements left. Far Cry New Dawn 11 achievements left.

I enjoy those games so would be nice to 1k. With Far Cry 5 I didn’t do any grinding at the end. That one also has multiplayer achievements so I dunno if we will do that.


On September 17th, 2015, I started the game Frozen Free Fall. It is a F2P Candy Crush clone.

I have been chipping away at it for years. As it is FTP it is very difficult but 5 years since my previous achievement on July 23, 2016, I got the final achievement for obtaining 500 stars!!!! I finally 1ked it. Felt so amazing.

Here’s this months stats:

Gamerscore: 298,408 (+970)
TA Score: 493,736 (+2834)
Achievements: 12,644 (+43)
TA Ratio: 55.72% (+0.04%)
100% Games: 120 (+1!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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