XBox Update: October 2021
Well the month of September wasn’t great unfortunately for gaming. Starting to sound like a broken record.
I did end up getting that big backlog clear though. And I had more free time.
I just didn’t spend it gaming! Either spent it reading while in the hot tub, or watching TV.
Plus work ended up being a tad busy due to the NJPW G1 and the NFL returning, plus having to get the NHL site prepared for the upcoming season.
Let’s see:
Hard West: 1 freaking achievement. I played it for like 20 minutes.
Legitimately it. Jesus christ. I did chip away at Frozen Free Fall a bit. I’ve had that game on the go for years and I need one more achievement which is 500 stars and it takes forever but it’s like my life bloody goal to get it.
Gamerscore: 297,438 (+5 LOL)
TA Score: 490,902 (+74 wut)
Achievements: 12,601 (+1)
TA Ratio: 55.68% (+0.01%)
100% Games: 119