XBox Update: Streak is Over

Posted by Scotsman on July 8, 2019 in XBox |

Well my XBox daily achievement streak is over.

It was a 56 day achievement stream that ended on June 21st, 2019.

I’m disappointed it’s over. I was going to the cottage in the beginning of July and even though the internet there is 56k levels at best, I was still prepared for it thanks to XBox/PC Game Pass. I had downloaded a couple of games with achievements and was planning on keeping it going thanks to them.

Alas on June 20th, I got word that my father was in very poor health and I’d have to fly over to Scotland. He ended up passing away while I was over there and yeah – achievements were the last thing on my mind.

I’m not sure if I’ll get another streak going or not. I did enjoy it I must say. I probably will at some point but it’s a bit low on my priority list right now.

One thing that did come out of it is I am more motivated than ever to play XBox. See – my dad was a hoarder. Like he could have been on those TV shows. And even though he had to leave everything behind when he moved to Scotland, was blind and in a wheelchair with just one leg – he still managed to keep his hoarding going over there.

I had to clear out his place and one thing I had to go through was about 5,000 DVDs. Seriously. So many duplicates etc too. And he never watched them. It was the same when he lived in Canada. Just kept buying DVDs or renting DVDs then copying them, printing off the covers etc but never actually watching them.

While I’m not an actual hoarder like many people I’m a digital hoarder. My backlog of games is over 500. Many of them were free ones etc but there’s still so many games I’ve bought over the years due to being on sale that I haven’t played. I’ve been good in that over the last 3 years I can count the amount of games I’ve actually bought on one hand – but still I haven’t been able to go through them.

So that’s got me more motivated now to spend more time playing XBox. Hopefully that keeps up.

Prior to all this I’ve been going through Metro 2033 Redux. Not really enjoying it too much right now but I’ll keep going and hopefully it gets better. The beginning feels very slow paced. I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on after the last 3 weeks being a bloody nightmare – hopefully that all gets sorted and I can get to gaming as there’s a lot of games I want to tackle.

Here’s the old list of my “daily xbox achievements”.

June 6th: Bridge Constructor. 25 failed simulations on same bridge.
June 7th: Letter Quest. Lost from taking tile damage.
June 8th: Bridge Constructor. Tanker Trucks can drive on all of Tiltin Norths maps.
June 9th: Plague Inc Evolved. Discovered the Projectile Vomiting combo.
June 10th: Plague Inc Evolved. Won a game on Parasite on Normal Difficulty.
June 11th: Plague Inc Evolved. Discovered the Public Defecation combo – aptly named “Brown Streets”.
June 12th: NHL 16. Create a Be A Pro Character.
June 13th: Plague Inc Evolved. Beat Prion on normal.
June 14th: Plague Inc Evolved. Destroy a Z Com Fortress
June 15th: Plague Inc Evolved. Won game with Necroa Virus.
June 16th: NHL 16. made a trade to acquire a player with full trade value.
June 17th: Plague Inc Evolved. Discovered Swineflu combo.
June 18th: Plague Inc Evovled. Won a game with the Neurax Worm.
June 19th: Plague Inc Evolved. Disrupted iCure.
June 20th: Plague Inc Evolved. Make USA nuke Russia.

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