Xbox Update: October 29th, 2018

Posted by Scotsman on October 29, 2018 in XBox |

Oh hey I might be using this blog again.

NPP is pretty much dead and I’ve been motivated to get into XBox lately and just finished up a game and felt the urge to write about it. So figured hey maybe I can start writing here on my blog.

Who knows maybe along with XBox updates I’ll start writing about other things too. Not sure anyone is even reading this but if you know me you know my XBox playing time has been extremely poor going back the last 3-4 years. I might beat something like 4 games a year. It’s brutal.

Would love to change that and I spent the last 4 weeks and 5 days going through Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Now I only logged about 25 hours on it so that’s still pretty poor play time but hey it’s something.

I mean prior to that last time I played a game through to completion was MAY and it was a short one – Never Alone.

So we’ll see how it goes. I’ll try and post an update at least once a week.

So yeah Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Chose this game as I figured a “Fallout” style game would be good for me to get sucked back in. I still remember playing Mass Effect 1 for example where I pretty much abandoned life and hygeine to marathon through it over the course of two days. Was hoping that would be the case with this one.

Sadly it wasn’t. I really didn’t enjoy the game. I enjoy this STYLE of game but I really didn’t enjoy it in particular. The whole opening of the game I just found extremely dull and I wasn’t hooked by the story at all. I was very bored and none of the side quests were really that inspiring. Sometimes I’d begin to get hooked then just get bogged down again.

By the end of the game I started to enjoy it a bit more though. I started to really get a “moral” code going – so when I was in Switzerland trying to escape the facility, it felt good to put the stun gun away and bring out the combat rifle and blow every fuck away. That was a blast.

Overall I’d give the game a 6/10 as it all came together at the end and I felt generally satisfied.

Achievement wise I beat the game with 23/50 achievements for 375/1000 Gamerscore. It has a New Game+ so who knows maybe down the road I’ll go back and beat it.

After that I spent time updating my ridiculous XBox Games spreadsheet with a list of all my games. It’s possible I am missing some or some are not “owned” by me but on gamepass but whatever this is a good enough starting point.

XBox Games To Wrap Up: 157. This is 360/Xbone/XBLA games I’ve either beaten and have to go back and get some achievements in, or ones with no real “end” ie: Wheel of Fortune and I just have to keep playing to get all the chivos.

New XBox 360 Games: 95. 360 games I am yet to start.

New XBLA Games: 72. XBLA Games I am yet to start.

New XBox One Games: 180. XBox One games I am yet to start.

Sports/Racing: 45. Sports/racing games where I still have to go through and get all the achievements I can in. Separate list as these games generally don’t have a “story” to beat.

Kinect Games:25. Kinect games I still have to go through.

There’s also additional lists for “Potential 2nd Playthrough” and “Games I Own But Doubt I’ll Play” but I won’t track those.

And my current stats:

Gamerscore: 272,248
Achievements: 11,504
True Achievement Score: 432,174
100% Games: 113.
TA Percentage: 58.46%.

Well that’s it for the first update. Earlier this year when I was motivated more for this I had goals and was going through quick games etc to get the lists down. Not focused on any goals other than playing a bunch of XBox.

Speaking of – I’m off to start Red Dead Redemption 2.

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