Stud Heads Up

Posted by Scotsman on October 10, 2008 in Poker |

This is driving me crazy and I just have to rant about it – it is virtually impossible to get a game of 7 Card Stud heads up at Full Tilt Poker. From $50/$100 all the way down to $3/$6, the same fucking people sit at the tables and sit out.  Now theoretically, when you join their table they will sit back in and play.  Theoretically.  In practise, it is different.  They datamine, so they basically know the majority of players, and how well or how badly they play.  So when I sit in they immediately rush to their Pokertracker database, and check to see if I am a good player or not based on their stats.  As I am, they refuse to play me.  It makes getting heads up games very hard to do, which sucks because I am an incredible heads up player.

Thankfully I managed to play one guy today although it was only at $5/$10, but I took $440 off him before he caved in and left.  It was great too because he was INSANELY aggressive – he would complete every hand, 3-bet me with air etc.  This really made him a one-trick pony, so I was able to just manipulate the hell out of him.


That hand is interesting because if you’ll note – I could’ve raised at any point in that hand.  However if I had done so, he would’ve folded his tens and I wouldn’t have made anywhere near enough money.  It is a lot better against aggressive players like that to let them hang themselves.


That hand was fun because he started with shit(as always) and was behind all the way until 6th street, yet gets in a nerd rage about being “rivered” again.  There is nothing better than reading that in the chat, because you know the dude is tilting and more money is about to come your way!


Believe it or not that hand he actually played optimally.


When I play, I always keep note of what hands my opponent is playing.  It’s very easy to win the pot and move on to the next hand, but it’s a lot smarter to look and see what they actually play.  By seeing what he was playing with in that hand, I was able to determine that he was on serious monkey tilt, and I should never bluff and just take him to value town.


Again, ridiculous aggression by him.  And this is like late in the session too – if he had a brain in his head he’d realize that I was looking him up there no matter what.

So yes, overall a nice session.  I don’t play poker much anymore but I just was in the mood for it today, and it all worked out quite nicely!

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