Xbox Update: Streak Going Strong
Last time out I finished up Lego Marvel.
Still in the comic book mode, I went with Batman Arkham Knight next.
Unfortunately I have barely scraped the surface with the game. I’m enjoying it for the most part but not fully hooked yet.
I was also on a trip to Vegas last weekend. So I had a bunch of work to get done after it, then I was exhausted as fuck AND had a huge backlog of work to do. So I haven’t had the chance to play it since getting back.
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XBox Update: Lets Go Lego!
With Avengers: End Game coming out, my son came up with the idea of doing a Marvel Movie Marathon. While not the biggest comic book movie fan I figured ah what the hell.
I’m glad I did it as it changed my opinion a lot. It also made Civil war and Infinity War much better having seen the build up to them(I’d seen them when they first came out). It also made me change my appreciation of Thor – the character and movie – bigly. The third Thor movie is one of my favourites of all time now ha.
Dr. Strange still fucking blows though.
Anyway after all that – and seeing End Game – I was in the mood for some comic book video game action. To be honest I was tempted to buy a PS4 and Spiderman. Only thing that put me off? Around Christmas time, the PS4/Spidey bundle was on sale for $279.99 very briefly. If I wanted to buy them now, it’d cost me about $430. On principle I’ll not be buying that ha.
So I looked through my backlog. Batman was tempting but I decided to go with Lego Marvel Super Heroes first. I haven’t played a Lego game in forever – Lego Batman 2 was the last one I played.
I’ve TRIED to play others but I haven’t got into them. And playing this single player (as I’ve had it glitch in co-op and not unlock achievements when I’d try to play with the kids) made me realize why.
Quite simply – the series has gotten too complicated. I mean at its core it’s still the standard game – you accomplish step A, which means you can accomplish step B, which leads to step C etc etc.
However playing with the kids we’d get completely lost. One of them would do step A and I’d have no idea and we’d be left trying to figure shit out forever. Or in some cases we’d do step B and C but not step A and then be lost.
So being able to play it in single player helped me to get into it again. I thoroughly enjoyed it to the point that I sat there for 4 hours on Saturday morning just beating the last 6 or 7 levels.
I ended up with 19/45 achievements for 370/100 gamerscore.
What I am going to do is rather than go through it all again on free play etc and probably wear myself out – is each day, time permitting, I’ll do one of the levels on freeplay and then unlock an achievement for my “daily xbox achievement” challenge.
In the meantime I’ll move onto something else – then most likely once I have wrapped up Lego Marvel, get Lego Avengers going on.
Gamerscore: 277,583 (+1540)
Achievements: 11,785 (+94)
True Achievement Score: 442,458 (+2991)
100% Games: 113.
TA Percentage: 58.30%. (+0.01%)
XBox Games to Wrap Up: 164 (+3)
New XBox 360 Games: 97 (+1)
New XBLA Games: 71
New XBox One Games: 186 (-2)
Sports/Racing: 47
Kinect Games: 25
My main focus right now is that “New XBox One Games” list which is games I haven’t played for the XBone yet. I think at one point last year that was down to like 100 lol. Or maybe it was 150 can’t remember – anyway just going to keep working on that most likely altho I may mix it up and get some XBox 360/XBLA Games going on. “Games to Wrap Up” list is getting bigger but that’s a good thing as that means it is games I have beaten!
Now off to write some content for Where To Bet Sports. Fun site I started last year.
Daily Achievements:
7th: Killed 25 people while riding on a beast (yir maw).
May 8th: Worked towards a bunch of stuff in Far Cry Primal. While doing that got the 10 kills with the sling.
May 9th: Far Cry Primal. Fight the bloodtusk mammoth.
May 10th: Far Cry Primal. Captured all the outposts.
May 11th: Letter Quest. Reached max level with one book.
May 12th: Letter Quest. Swapped all letters 50 times.
May 13th: Lego Marvel. Created custom character.
XBox Update: Crackdown = CrackDONE
Hey lookit that – I actually started a game then finished it all within a reasonable timeframe!
Unlike the 3 months it took me to beat Far Cry Primal, this one took me…yikes, still feels like a fairly long time. The 27th of April I started it, the 6th of May I finished it. So just more than a week!
In saying that end of month / beginning of month is my busy work time so I’ll take it.
I apparently spent 9 hours on it so not too bad. Finished with 40/70 achiements and 460 gamerscore.
This’ll be on my “To Wrap Up” list. Also me and Mason started Mortal Kombat X. That’s one I’ll be playing mostly against him and whipping his ass but I’ve added it to the “To Wrap Up” list as well.
I mentioned last time I was going to do a daily log of all the “to wrap up” achievements. Happy to announce I’ve been able to keep that up. Hopefully I can keep it going for the next little while.
Here’s the list:
April 27th: Far Cry Primal (3). 100 bow kills. 15 throwing shard kills. Capturing 10 outposts.
April 28th: Far Cry Primal. Kill & skin 1 tamed beast.
April 29th: Far Cry Primal. Kill target 50 feet away using a spear.
April 30th: Far Cry Primal. Kill target 70 feet away with bow & arrow.
May 1st: Did a bunch in Far Cry Primal to get me closer to multiple achievements. After an hour though I switched to Jackbox party Pack 2 and got a chivo for six players in Bidiot.
May 2nd: Far Cry Primal. Killed 50 people with fire.
May 3rd: Jackbox 2. 8 players plus audience member in Fibbage 2.
May 4th: Jackbox 3. Created a game in Quiplash 2.
May 5th: Jackbox 2. Successfully filed paperwork in Bomb Corp.
May 6th: Far Cry Primal. Killed 10 enemies with traps.
Won’t bother with the tally this time around. Not sure what game I will start next.
Xbox Update: Far Cry Primal Beaten
I haven’t been forgetting to update here – I just haven’t played enough Xbox to actually post updates lol.
I ended up not playing anything for awhile after Brave. Then I got into Far Cry Primal.
To show how bad my time has been for games – I started that on February 19th and I literally just beat the story today, April 26th. I logged 18 hours in the game.
That’s pretty bad ha.
I finished it with 30/50 achievements for 585 gamerscore. To the “to wrap up” list it goes.
I also bought and started Jurassic World Evolution. Really fun game I love me some sim games like that. Just unlocked the second island, 12/51 in that one.
I think I am going to start a “one achievement a day” from my “to wrap up” list. That list is getting insanely long. Plus I want to play more Far Cry Primal BUT I want to start something new so I get to do both.
Been playing with the family at Gang Beasts. Fun game that and 17/19 achievements.
Right that’s it from me. I’m going to start Crackdown 3 next and I’ll try and keep a daily log of all the “to wrap up” achievements I earn. Would be nice to slowly get my gamerscore percentage in the 60s.
XBox Games to Wrap Up: 161 (+2)
New XBox 360 Games: 96 (+1)
New XBLA Games: 71
New XBox One Games: 188 (+6)
Sports/Racing: 47
Kinect Games: 25
Gamerscore: 276,043 (+2255)
Achievements: 11,681 (+88)
True Achievement Score: 439,467 (+4903)
100% Games: 113.
TA Percentage: 58.29%. (+0.07%)
XBox Update: January 17th, 2019
Holy crap.
How the hell has it been 2 and a half months since my last update on here about XBox? I swear it feels like maybe 4-6 weeks.
That’s pretty bad ha.
So anyway last time I just wrapped up Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I decided to start Red Dead Redemption 2 next but after devoting 2-3 hours to that and barely scratching the surface I realized that yeah – this isn’t the game for me at this time.
With how little I am playing Xbox currently there’s no way I can invest time into a game like that just yet. Same reason I am not playing The Witcher 3 or anything like that.
I also launched a new website – daily soccer betting tips – which has taken up a lot of my time. I launched it prior to the World Cup and it’s been tough keeping it going. So that’s cut into my video gaming quite a bit too.
I ended up going with Dead Rising 3. This was the perfect game. A lot of fun. A lot of action. Able to quit when I wanted. So I could play it for two hours or play it for 30 minutes and it was a nice short game. Beat that with 32/52 achievements, 545/1000 gamerscore. Onto the “to wrap up” list it goes as I’ll go back and grind away at it sometime.
I had a lot of fun with it but with games like that I’ve gotten tired of going back just to grind for achievements. Much prefer just doing a second playthrough down the road when it is more fresh.
I next started up Brave, the Disney Pixar game. I’ve always wanted to play that since it was Games with Gold. I just love those easy but fun platformers more aimed at kids and this was a great one. Had a lot of fun with it. 32/44 achievements, 615/1000 gamerscore. I MIGHT go back and grind a few achievements but it’s on the “to wrap up” list for now.
I also played a bit of It’s Quiz Time with the family. Decent enough I guess.
That’s it so far. I’m not sure what game I am going to start next. My backlog is ridiculously gross so I’ll have to see. I keep floating between XCom2 and well anything else. We shall see.
Stats updates since last time:
XBox Games to Wrap Up: 159 (+2)
New XBox 360 Games: 95 (+0)
New XBLA Games: 71 (-1)
New XBox One Games: 182 (+2)
Sports/Racing: 47 (+2)
Kinect Games: 25 (+0)
Gamerscore: 273,788 (+1540)
Achievements: 11,593 (+89)
True Achievement Score: 434,564 (+2390)
100% Games: 113.
TA Percentage: 58.24%. (-0.22%)
Will try and get back in the habit of adding a new blog every time I beat a game!