Movied I Watched In February

Posted by Scotsman on March 7, 2011 in Multimedia |

Yet another “Christ where does the time go” post.  Just been doing work, playing xbox, spending time with the family and relaxing.  Not too much going on but I will try and actually write something!

TV shows I am going through right now is Becker and X-Files.

In the meantime here’s movies that I watched in February:

Saw 3: fucking amazing. Awesome story about the person that had to do the puzzles, yet it was a backdrop to the main story about jigsaw et al. Wrapped up a lot of stuff in the prev two, and was just really fucking good. ***1/2

So good it may make the prev two better on rewatch. As it is, hit blockbuster right after for saw 4 and 5, as well as saw 2 on xbox 360

Just Go With It: Very funny movie. Also holy shit is Brooklyn Decker smokin’. Story wise you’d what you’d expect, but it is very funny and very well done, paced well etc. Nick Swordson is also fucking amazing in it. ****

There was some weird guy in the theatre that every time he had to go, would announce it loudly to people. He’d say “I have to go to the washroom” then go – then he’d come back and be like “I’m back from the washroom”. Out of nowhere with about 15 minutes left he said “I have to go for a smoke!” then he never came back. Rather amusing.

The Green Mile: Honestly it never even occured to me that with Stephen King writing this, there’d be some weird shit going on. I always assumed it was just another Shawshank Redemption style movie.

The film itself probably didn’t even need the whole faith healer stuff, and I kinda disconnected every time it happened, which is a pity as this was a fantastic movie other than all that. Some phenomenal performances from everyone involved, including of course Michael Clarke Duncan. Jesus he was exceptional in this.

Also David Morse never fails to impress me. Just a solid fucking actor. ****

Saw 4: Watched it for about 30 minutes, just couldn’t get into it. I’m done with this series.
Out Of Time: I was ready to give up on this movie about 20 minutes in as it felt like I was watching a fucking love story. Thankfully I perservered, and it turned out AWESOME. The ending itself was okay, but everything in-between was really intense and kept you guessing. ***1/2

Man On Fire: Excellent. ****1/2

Sex Drive – The Unrated Edition:

I’ve never seen the theatrical edition, and there’s actually a warning at the start of this: “don’t watch it because it sucks compared to the theatrical edition. It’s a bunch of additional shit, plus lots of tits and big, black cock“. I’ve had this movie sitting on my hard drive for over a year, so said fuck it and decided to just go with it anyway.

The unrated edition basically included the following:
– Every 20 or 30 minutes, a still image of a big black cock will appear on screen for about 10 seconds.
– Naked women walking in FRONT of the movie at random intervals.
– Fart noises every time someone bends over.

I’m not sure if it’s retarded or brilliant.

Anyway despite their warnings that it’d suck it was actually a funny movie. Recommended. ****

Unknown: Really good, recommended. The whole movie is based on “WTF is actually going on”, and the payoff was great and unexpected. ****

Sanctum: Lame. First movie I saw in 3D. 3D was not necessary for this movie. Really felt like they read the script, and thought “Hmm this is lame, let’s add in 3D to distract people”. Might have actually been good with REAL actors, but when your lead actor has been nominated for Razzies and Worst Supporting Actors…yeah. Also I hope Rhys Wakefield never gets another job ever – he was so bad. The whole movie was based around emotion and getting into the characters, and when you have a bunch of people who can’t act…..yeah. *1/2

The Losers: Really fun over-the-top movie. Jason Patric was surprisingly awesome in it too. ****

The Karate Kid with the little Negro Boy: Will Smiths kid or something innit? It’s actually a weird movie to rate – I’m pretty sure it’s meant for the new generation of kids growing up, not us old cunts who wear Cobra Kai t-shirts, practised the crane kick for hours or say “SWEEP THE LEG” then giggle like a little child.

It really is just The Karate Kid redone – if you lined the movies up side by side the main parts of the storyline would be exactly the same throughout the whole viewing. You basically spend the whole movie saying to yourself “The original one did this better” and “the original one did that better”.

It really seemed to be missing the awesomeness of the original Karate Kid – there’s a word I just can’t think of to really explain it, but it just didn’t have that special something that the original Karate Kid did. Like Chan was no Miyagi for instance, Negro Boy was no DANIEL-SAN. Plus oh my god the crane kick in this was SO FUCKING GAY.

However there is an AWESOME scene early in the movie, where it’s Jackie Chan vs 8 Schoolboys. This scene is awesome because Chan doesn’t actually beat up the kids – he basically grabs one kid and uses HIM to beat up the other kids and so in. Quite a neat scene.

Probs about ** I guess. Mason was into it – can’t wait to introduce him to the real fucking thing.

Due Date: was okay I guess. A few laughs, but pales in comparison to a lot of great recent comedies like the hangover, role models and I love you man.

Also zach g can be super fucking annoying and unlikeable at times, and he was like that for the majority of this movie. **

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