Lets talk Wrestling

Posted by Scotsman on April 1, 2010 in Multimedia |

My good friend Vin wrote a blog post Let’s talk some more wrestling. I hate wrestling these days, I really do. It’s boring as all hell, and there is never anything interesting happening. Discounting Wrestlemania which I order every year on principle, I’d say I have watched less than 10 hours of total wrestling in the last 8 years, which is rather scary considering how it was my religion for awhile.

I do still enjoy talking about wrestling, even if I don’t keep up on it. The days of the new Observer and Figure Four newsletters used to be a huge day for me. I’d get them, print them off, then go take a long lunch at a local restaurant downtown called the Golden Rooster. I’d order two of their famous sandwiches, a ginger ale, then sit back and read both newsletters from front to back.

Now I don’t even read the newsletters for the most part. Sometimes I skim them but that’s about it. However I do still enjoy talking about wrestling. Vin wrote his big article which I highly recommend you read and in it he posed himself some questions. I’ll answer the very same questions.

What is your favourite show of all time?

Wrestlemania 7. Period. This was the first wrestling show I was ever exposed to, and it was amazing. I still have fond memories of it. Plus it had possibly the greatest match in the history of wrestling in Ultimate Warrior vs Randy Savage.

Who is your favourite wrestler of all time?

There’s a lot of wrestlers I like for a variety of different reasons. Tazz for his gimmick in ECW, Santino for his comedy, Cena because – well he is awesome. I’d say my favourite wrestler of all time is Kurt Angle. He hit the ground running when he started, and he covered all the bases. He was funny. He was great on promos. He was involved in great storylines. He was an amazing wrestler that made it seem real. He was a joy to watch. Yep, I’d say Angle is without a doubt my favourite wrestler of all time.

What is your favourite match of all time?

HBK vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania LAST year is up there, just due to the emotion. As is Mankind vs Undertaker Hell in a Cell, again due to the emotion. To me that is what a great wrestling match is – one that makes you react. One that makes you sit there and cheer like crazy. One where you are interested in the match from the BEGINNING, not just near the end when they start pulling out finisher after finisher, and a variety of close pins.

So yeah, I’d say the two I just mentioned, HBK vs Flair, and of course Warrior vs Savage.

I think Vin is doing a follow up post soon. in the meantime go read his original post.

1 Comment

  • Vin says:

    There was a long period where Kurt Angle was my favorite wrestler, but whenever I see him on TNA or read about him doing some crazy stuff I just kind of shake my head. That being said if he makes a triumphant WWE comeback at some point he’s back in. (btw, I just found out a good friend of mine’s dad works for USA Wrestling. One of his good friends? KURT ANGLE!!!!!)

    The match question really is impossible and anyone who has a for sure one match answer probably just hasn’t watched enough.

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