Movies I’ve Watched Lately

Posted by Scotsman on January 12, 2010 in Multimedia |

Had some “grunt work” to do over the past few days, so been watching movies while I work.  Here’s my opinions:

Been watching a few movies lately.  Thought I’d write out some brief reviews:

What Women Want: – Man, this is one of those movies that I always enjoy, and put at the top of my movies lists.  Yet watching it for about the 6th time in my life I really started to not enjoy it.  I mean the first 2/3 of the movie are good bordering on great – but the final third of it is just goddamn awful.  ***

The Terminal: First half of this is amazing.  Easy ****1/2 if not *****.  Great premise, great story, Hanks is fabulous.  Then it all goes to hell, as they completely americanize it with typical Hollywood BS.  The love story and all the other shit – god, how can one half of a movie be so good, and the other half SO FUCKING BAD?  I can’t even rate it it was that horrible.

Shaun of the Dead: Dunno what the big deal is about this movie.  I mean it was good, but some people treat it as the second coming of christ.  Hot Fuzz was better.  ***

Just Cause: Definitely not a movie for repeat viewings.  I read the book about 10 years ago and watched the movie right after and I think I enjoyed both – might have watched the movie since then – but just watched it again and found it fairly boring.  Basically something that has been done much better in other movies.  Still, the performance of Ed Harris as the psychotic killer on death row is fantastic.  **

The Wedding Singer: Must be about the 9th time I have seen this movie now.  Still a classic, also it gets bonus points for having Journeys “Don’t Stop Believin'” playing when Sandler attempts to get married but dumped at the alter.  One of Sandlers best. *****

The Client: This movie has PRECIOUS MEMORIES for me as it was the first time I read a book then the movie.  Basically I didn’t read that type of novel back then so it was my first ever Grisham book too.  Overall it’s an alright movie, nothing spectacular but a solid performance from Tommy Lee.  ***

Gran Torino: Fuck, YES!  I had the ending spoiled for me so I couldn’t watch it for awhile until I forgot about it – 13 months and 2 days after getting it spoiled I couldn’t remember the specifics so watched it again.  A seriously fucking awesome movie – the performances of everyone bar Eastwood are pretty blah – but Eastwood is just AMAZING in this.  The way he growls etc – god, so great.

SPOILERS AHEAD: I’m still disappointed in the ending though.  I get it – the only way to stop the gangs was that – but man, I just wanted Eastwood to go all RAMBO on their fucking asses.  Completely get what he was going for, but still not what I wanted, especially considering how bad the American justice system is.  I’ll go with ****1/2.

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