Movie & TV Watching Update

Posted by Scotsman on August 11, 2009 in Multimedia |

Haven’t really written here lately about TV shows or movies I am watching, so thought I would add a quick update.

During Work: Still going through Spin City.  Since my x-5pm time schedule, I’ve been working a lot harder so haven’t really watched much of it.  I’m about halfway through season 6, with 10 episodes left.  After this I am not sure but will most likely start Just Shoot Me assuming I can get every episode of it.   I’ve caught some episodes on syndication, and forgot how good that show actually was.

After Work: The SERIOUS time, where it is TIME FOR SERIOUS TV SHOWS.  The Sopranos is almost done – I’m just turning on the Season 4 Finale while I eat my frosted flakes, so 2 seasons left.  I gotta say that while I love the Sopranos – I have quite a few complaints too.  Like the way something big will happen then it is not followed up on till 4 episodes later is ridiculous.  Hell, sometimes they don’t even follow up on it at all.

Also things just happen out of nowhere – and not in the good way.  A character will appear, be on the show for a bunch of episodes and them out of nowhere they just disappear.  It’s the weirdest thing, and can be quite frustrating.  It’s still a great show, but it’s not without its faults.

After The Sopranos – well we still have The Shield to go through – stuck on Season 4 there and have to start watching it soon.  I’ll then hit up Dexter Season 3.

Movie wise I’ve been posting my reviews on NPP.  I’ll just copy/paste those:

Lakeview Terrace – Really enjoyed the majority of this movie. Slow but well paced, and the build up was great….almost too great, as the third act ends up being a big disappointment. Also one of those movies that on the surface are pretty decent, but if you sit back and dissect you notice a lot of problems and holes in it. Still, Samuel L. was pretty fantastic in it. *** Movielens predicted ***, Criticker ***1/2.

Observe & Report: Pretty much the worst movie of all time. It amazes me that not only did someone write this, but they then managed to get someone to direct it, a studio to greenlight it, and actors to actually appear in it. I gotta applaud the people behind this – it takes a lot of talent to come up with something so godawful, and actually fool people into making it into a movie.

Also how the hell do you get Patton Oswalt into a movie then have him utter like two fucking lines? I can’t even rate this flick it was so fucking bad.

Wanted: The first 20-30 minutes of this was pretty cool and got me pumped – the rest of the movie was a huge letdown. It was like they had all these cool ideas then blew them all in the first 1/3 of the movie – then had to come up with stuff for the next 2/3. Jolie was pretty good in it though,and I can watch the scene where she picks the hero up in the car with that sick sick move again and again. **

Hot Rod: Pretty damn funny movie, and the casting of Isla Fisher was as usual sheer genius. I love her so much. ***1/2

Pineapple Express: I can see why movies like this try and push the legalization of pot – you have to be super stoned just to enjoy them. Seriously awful stuff, didn’t laugh once, and I like Rogan too. *
Ghost Town – Awesome, awesome movie. Nice fast pace to it, Gervais, Kinnear & Leoni are great and it is very funny. ****
Honeymoon In Vegas – Fantastic. Funny, and fast-paced. Caan throws in an amazing performance, but is of course outshined by Cage. I really enjoyed (wrestling terms alert) how they were able to turn Caan heel so well and turn him into such a hated villain. ****1/2

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone: Pretty decent. Dragged a little in places and some shit seemed to come out of nowhere, but standard fare for books->movies. ***

The Incredible Hulk – Fuck yeah. Lot of fun. I knew going in that Edward Norton would be on-screen a ton, so that made it better obviously, rather than being disappointed at how little screen time the Hulk got. Lou Ferrigno cameo was fantastic, as was the little bit at the end Also holy shit visually this was just amazing, and thank god for High Definition. ***1/2

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