Don’t Diss Criminal Minds

Posted by Scotsman on May 9, 2009 in Multimedia |

Mason had a gymnastics show tonight(video coming later) and at it, I met a guy I used to work with.  We decided to duck out early and go have a pint and watch the end of the Penguins vs Capitals game at a pub.  So we’re there, and I’m wearing a pair of jeans, and my Criminal Minds t-shirt:


So we’re minding our own business standing up at the bar, when the guy besides me turns to chat.  He’s been making “witty” comments all during the game, hoping I’d join him in conversation, but I ignored him the whole time.  So finally he turns around and stares me straight in the face while saying something, so I have to respond.

Then he looks down at my t-shirt.  And he says, and I quote: “A T-shirt for a TV show?  Ha ha now I’ve seen everything.  Especially for Criminal Minds – that show blows.”

Yeah.  No.

I’m not a very argumentative guy.  Really, I’m not.  I’ve gotten to a stage in my life where I really don’t care about arguing or debating anymore when it comes to opinions – you’re never going to get someone to change their mind, so really, what is the point?  Look at my posts on NPP and you’ll see I rarely if ever debate shit anymore.  I’ll only get into an actual argument if there is fact involved, and I know I’m on the right side.

So I had to interject myself here.  I got a fact for you BITCH: Criminal Minds is awesome, and anyone that thinks otherwise is just plain wrong.

Actually I didn’t.  I was close to, but then it was like meh, what is the point?  It’s like if I dig a hole and discover oil, am I gonna go tell some random bar about it?  Fuck it I’ll keep it for myself, and that’s the way I feel about Criminal Minds.  Seriously – if you guys aren’t watching it, go rent season 1 right now and try it out.  You will absolutely fucking love it and be hooked forever.  There’s a reason it’s in the top 10 each week for the ratings: because it’s just that fucking good.

The characters are so incredible, the storylines great, and everything in it just clicks.    Please – watch it.  That goes for you Taff and Homer.

Anyway I came home and watched a bunch of Criminal Minds videos on Youtube to make me feel better.  I’ll share my favourite one with you guys – the music for this is just brilliant, and so chilling compared to what goes on during the actual video.

Spoiler note: One of the males leaves the show.  If you don’t want to be spoilered, don’t watch.

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