I love this Blockbuster unlimited games thing

Posted by Scotsman on February 12, 2009 in Multimedia |

I can’t remember if I wrote about this before, but I decided to get that Blockbuster $30 a month for unlimited game rentals.  The only negative to this compared to the online companies that do it is I can only have 1 game out at a time.  However it works out because I primarily wanted to use it for my kids, and with Blockbuster just a 15 minute walk away, it means I can go through a lot of shit games with ease, rather than receiving one, having my son play it for 5 minutes, hate it, then have to mail it back and wait like 3-4 days for a new one.

Case in point: I returned Dead Space after beating it.  My son wanted Bolt but they didn’t have it so I got him Star Wars Clone Wars for the Wii instead.  After about 5 minutes he fucking hated it, so I walked up to Blockbuster and got him some other kids game.  He hated that too, so I went back again(what can I say I enjoy walking) and got Ratatouille for the Wii this time.  Of course he hated that too.

The thing is a lot of these “kids games” are really geared for like 8+.  Some of them are so ridiculously complicated – like pretty much every Disney game we’ve rented, they’re always a fucking tough challenge.  Wall-E in particular is fucking ridiculous.

Anyhoo the Blockbuster membership is very handy for that.  I went up tonight and rented the Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection, so that should keep him happy for a few days while I finish off Gun and hit up Mass Effect.

On a related note, every time I am there I am so tempted to rent Avatar.  That’s the game where it takes like 5 minutes to get 1000 achievement points.  I just would feel so dirty if I did that though, but I’m sure I’ll cave before long.

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