I lost $150 on Couture vs Lesnar…

Posted by Scotsman on November 17, 2008 in Multimedia |

…and when Lesnar delivered that KO punch, I was probably the happiest person in the world.

I’m a big MMA fan.  I first started watching around UFC 6, when one Tank Abbott was entertaining enough to get me into the sport.  As the years went on and the sport progressed, I appreciated the art form of MMA even more.  I’ve had my favourites over the years, but for the longest time I sweat and bled with Randy Couture in every fight he was in.  Every punch he took, I took with him.  Every punch he delivered, I was right there delivering it with him.  He just had that aura around him that meant I wanted him to win so fucking badly.

Enter Brock Lesnar.  Due to my strong wrestling love from years past, there is nothing I like more than seeing someone from the WWE move into other areas, like The Rock and his movies, or Cena and his oscar-worthy performance in The Marine.  I’ve been a big fan of Lesnar since he first joined WWE, and was the only reason I tuned in on many an occasion.  You have no idea the stress I’ve went through in his 3 MMA matches prior to Couture – you’d think it was my own son fighting, the emotions that stir inside of me.

And so it had to happen – my two favourites fighting against each other, Randy Couture vs Brock Lesnar.  The second it was announced I was conflicted – I really had no idea what I wanted to happen.  As the weeks moved on, I realized that I was leaning heavily towards wanting Brock Lesnar to win.  So I knew what I had to do – I had to bet on Couture.  I went with $150 to win $200, because if I lose it it’s no big deal, and if I win, I’ll cure my depression over the Lesnar loss with a little spending spree on just shit for me.

However as Saturday night wore on, I knew that the $200 wasn’t enough.  I don’t even know how much would be enough – I almost want to say that a Brock win would be priceless.  I was watching it with Brando and Risto, and I commented to them that it was ridiculous just how much I actually cared about Brock winning.  I remember at the start of the match, my heart just THUMPING and I was out of my seat yelling the whole fucking time, and screaming “STOP THE FUCKING FIGHT” when Lesnar knocked him down and started punching the fuck out of him.

Unfortunately Lesnar has nowhere to go from here but down.  Nog will beat Mir, and Nog will beat Lesnar, however for at least 5 months, I’m still a very happy person whenever I think about the fact that Brock Lesnar is the UFC fucking Heavyweight Champion.

Overall awesome goddamn show, and I can’t wait for the UFC game to come out for the 360 now so I can go on a raping spree with Mr. Lesnar.

Very busy at moment, more later.

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