
Posted by Scotsman on July 29, 2010 in Gambling Affiliate Shit, Life |

I hope everyone enjoyed the sappiness of the last blog update.  I really only wrote it for one person – and no, not Janise.  It was my buddy Frank, and sure enough I got the reaction I was hoping for a few hours after I wrote it when he sent me a message stating “omg you are such a faggot”.  It was worth being a faggot just so I could picture his face reading that crap.

We’ve been busy and out a lot this Summer.  It’s been really nice because my whole “working as little as possible” thing is going really well.  To me it’s really the little things that I appreciate the most.  Back when I was in workaholic mode and working non-stop, I found I couldn’t enjoy a lot of things like going downtown with my family, because I kept thinking “I gotta go back and work!”.  So it’s stuff like taking my kids out on the morning dog walk and just walking around for an hour or until they’re bored, with no care about when I get back home.  Or being asked “Want to go to the beach today?” at about 10am and saying “Yeah sure” and 20 minutes later we’re off.

The main difference is that I don’t have work that I HAVE to do – I just have work that I WANT to do.  So I’m not waking up in the morning thinking “Okay I have to do this today”.  I can wake up and say “Hey I feel like writing articles today” or “I feel like relaxing today and reading books”.  It’s rather nice.

Not much else going on – been reading some Vince Flynn and he is awesome.  Just racing through his books.  More just wanted to get that gay ass post of mine off the top.

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