
Posted by Scotsman on July 4, 2010 in Life |

On the days leading up to the World Cup, I decided to take a sabbatical. I wanted to do just the bare minimum in regard to work every day, so I could relax and enjoy the World Cup. I worked like crazy up until the World Cup, and I had some plans of doing content writing during the downtime.

However I really didn’t do anything except relax. I started reading books again, playing video games, watching some TV & movies, doing a lot more with the kids etc. Last week we went to the cottage for the whole week which was fucking awesome, and I did practically nothing at all work wise.

I’m loving it.

My “work” is not the type of work where I need to be chained to my desk for 7 hours per day. Actually with affiliate marketing, you can sit back and do absolutely nothing for a long time, and as long as you’ve put in a lot of hard work prior to that, you should still see your income come in and grow.

That’s what I think I am going to be doing for the rest of 2010.

I made the decision this year not to build any new websites, and I’ve kept that promise – much to the shock of many people reading this 🙂 I’m going one step further now, and am planning on doing basically the bare minimum when it comes to work for the rest of the year. I’m sure the same people that doubted my “no new websites” plan will be doubting this too and I can’t blame them – I’m a workaholic.

But man, as much as I enjoy work, I’m really enjoying relaxing so much more. Like today I took the dog down to the water and we just hung out there until we both felt like going home. Any other time I take Abba to the water we’re on a tight schedule – “okay 20 minutes then I gotta get back and work” or whatever.

I’ve always had something to do work wise – so it’s nice to be done everything basically, and I can just sit back and relax and have fun. I’m going to take up golfing on a regular basis I think, and hopefully some more sports once my ankle heals.

So yeah, sabbatical time. Should be interesting to see if I can keep at it. I’ll be doing the bare minimum every day and that’s it.

Now I’m off to……eh I dunno, maybe watch some My Name is Earl, or play some XBox or just go and relax outside with John Grishams the Street Lawyer.

I’ll just do whatever I want.

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