Embracing Facebook

Posted by Scotsman on June 18, 2010 in Life |

40 days after writing my Leaving Facebook post I’ve decided to embrace it.

I’ve had a facebook account for a long time. However until recently, I never really “got” Facebook. I always seen it as a platform for people to act important about their mundane lives, posting status updates that no-one else cares about. However seeing the failure that is Twitter makes me realize how much more there is to Facebook.

Facebook is – surprise – a great place for networking. A lot of my friends have moved away from Kingston, but I’ve found I’ve made some new friends via Facebook based on those old friends. Basically I start chatting on Old Friends facebook page, and one of his friends who lives here joins in. It becomes a regular thing, then we end up saying “Fuck lets go for a beer sometime”.

It’s also very good for internet marketing too. Honestly so many people in this business use facebook, and it’s a great way to keep updated on things. I’ve met lots of great people at affiliate conferences but I’d never really refer to them as friends to the point that we’d e-mail back and forth or keep in touch. However I don’t want to lose all contact with them altogether. Facebook fills that void.

It’s basically a very indirect and awesome way of communicating with people. It really does amuse me because I’ve hated it for the longest time, and yet canceling my account was what made me “get” facebook. The privacy policy stuff is still a concern, but as long as I keep my details to a minimum there I’m not too concerned.

Viva la Facebook! BTW if you want to add me, it’s facebook.com/DealerDan I think you need to be logged in to even see me though.

1 Comment

  • Cody Webster says:

    The difference a week makes. Good advice though, I haven’t uploaded any images there just an avatar which is pretty easy to replace at anytime.

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