Better Blackberry = More Blogging!

Posted by Scotsman on April 24, 2010 in Life |

Been having a lot of problems with my Blackberry Bold 9000 lately. Just slow as shit, battery life crap etc. Decided to do a whole factory reset and then get the latest software. On top of that I bought the Memory Booster App which really helped matters, and now it’s super fast again.

To take advantage of the new found speed, first thing I did was get a new theme for the Blackberry to spice it up again. So my home screen has went from:




If you’re thinking “Hey, that looks similar to an iphone layout” then it won’t surprise you to find out the name of the theme: Miphone 3G. I really like that layout though, as it’s a lot better having that many icons on the screen as it saves me from having to go a menu deep the majority of the time.

Along with that I installed a bunch of new apps, including the WordPress for Blackberry App, hence the whole reason for the title of this blog. It’s not the greatest app in the world but it works well enough, and will allow me to blog with ease. I’ve never really been a fan of Twitter(I’m sure that surprises um – zero of you) so it’ll be good to have the ability to mobile blog.

Other than that what is going on? Well I’ve been very busy. May is going to be a write-off for me when it comes to work. I’m off to Edmonton for a few days in May. Also in the first two weeks of May my mom is visiting, then the second two weeks my sister is visiting. Add in a trip to Montreal for UFC, my daughters birthday(we’re having a fucking PETTING ZOO) and not much work is going to be done in May.

So I’ve been working like CRAZY the past couple of weeks, just so I can take the majority of May off and not have to worry about anything, hence the real lack of blog posts. I haven’t even played video games in a long long time – I still have Bioshock 2 sitting gathering dust for example. I haven’t even watched much TV other than sports. I’ve watched up to and including episode 512 of Lost, and I plan on wrapping up season 5 then watching season 6 during my flight to and fro Edmonton.

I started watching My Name Is Earl as my background show while I work, but meh. It’s an okay show, but nothing special at all. A couple of funny moments in it but not something I’d recommend to others. I’m way behind on actual TV too – I’m only 4 episodes into the Celebrity Apprentice for example, and haven’t watched shows like HIMYM, Big Bang Theory or The Office for weeks.

That’s the problem come playoff time – it’s on every night, and it’s tough to watch anything else. Not that I am complaining – love NBA & NHL and wasting my nights watching it is great.

That’s pretty much it for me. Back to work!

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