Today was Killer

Posted by Scotsman on December 15, 2009 in Life |

Over the last couple of months, since the beginning of October I believe, I’ve basically been working on pure inspiration. I have some tasks that I have to do every day(ie: NBA Tips, keeping up to date on e-mail etc) but for the most part I’ve been working just whenever I felt like it. Some days I’d do pretty much no work, other days if I felt like it I worked all day.

As I mentioned in my last update, I was planning on working till my eyes bleed this week.

Fuck that.

I did the nose to the grindstone stuff today and it was just brutal. After switching to the more relaxed lifestyle, there’s no way I’ll be able to go back to this. I worked from 8am until 10pm, the only times I left the computer were to pick up Mason and eat dinner. At 10pm I went for a nice relaxing bath and read Hostage by Robert Crais – that’s the Bruce WIllis movie BTW, then I was right back at it from 11pm until 2am.

And it sucked.

It felt like the life was just being sucked out of me doing that. It didn’t help that I had a to do list of over 50 items. Although I’ve managed to whittle it down to 25 items, it really felt like I barely made a dent in it. Basically I didn’t feel productive at all – even though I accomplished a lot today, I’m sitting here just thinking “Shit, I still have so much to do”.

I’m not gonna do the nose to the grindstone stuff anymore – not gonna try, actually. I set myself up with something on my computer that will shut down the system at 5pm, and I am not able to access it again until 5am the next morning. I also set it up with a random password that I typed in by hammering the keys with my eyes closed, just so I don’t try and circumvent it. So now the only way I can access my computer after 5pm is if I reformat Windows – and I really do not see myself doing that.

I just find it amusing how things can change. I thought nothing of 12+ hour days just a few months back – actually it was the norm, and I had no problem with it. Now just the thought if it is something I can not comprehend.

Whew. Oh well. Thinking back I did manage to get a lot done today which was good, and it’s put my in good shape for the rest of the week.

Off to bed now, and to fall asleep watching King of Queens which I’m going through again.

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