Working Hard? Or Hardly Working?

Posted by Scotsman on October 30, 2009 in Life |

I always hated that phrase.  Used to hear it all the time at my office job and it just made me want to stick a shiv in someones throat.

Anyway – I’m pretty much doing both at the moment.  I’m hardly working, but when I am working, I am working pretty fucking hard.

My “time off” has been going well.  There’s been a couple of days where I end up having a ton of work that just piles up out of nowhere, but for the most part it has been relatively laid back and easy.  I’m actually going to try and extend it and see if I can come up with a schedule to make this semi-permanent; I’ve really enjoyed relaxing, not having any pressure, and just working when I feel like it.  When I feel motivated it is great and I just do a shitload of work.

Today for example – well I had major problems with my one site Ultimate Poker Bankroll.  Long story short some code made its way in there which basically told search engines “DO NOT COME HERE.  DEINDEX US IMMEDIATELY”.  Yeah.  That was real fun.  I’ve fixed it now, but I’ve no idea how it is going to affect the site in the short-term, and seeing a site that gets 500 search engine hits a day drop to 0 is almost enough to make you vomit.  Imagine you ran your own store or something – and you got 500 people coming in a day, then someone accidently boarded up the doors or something and you realized after a week you were getting no customers?  That’s pretty much it.

NBA season has begun of course, and I’m working on the NBA Betting System and should have that ready by the weekend for hopefully another successful season.

Frustrated at the results of Casino Signup Bonus.  I’m in the hole for 5 figures on that site, with income from it being $0.  I guess it was a nice reminder however.  We’re only 2 months launched, and I was thinking the site would be making 5 figures a month by now.  Just one of those little things that remind me not to get too confident, and to always expect the unexpected when it comes to websites.

Still no new computer.  I must have refreshed the tracking page at least 500 times since Monday night.  I’ve refreshed it 3 times since I started this blog post.  Today I spent most of the day looking out the window when I heard a car going by, seeing if it was the Purolator truck showing up.  Sigh.


Also today I added a ton of reviews to Ultimate Poker Search.  They are:

Assuming my new computer doesn’t arrive Friday I think I’m going to treat myself to a long weekend away from the computer.  Should be nice.  Got a few things to do Friday, but nothing too stressful.

Time for sleep.

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