Just Chillin’

Posted by Scotsman on October 17, 2009 in Life |

That subject pretty much sums up my last few days.

The no-work thing is going pretty well – still just doing the bare minimum, although some days the bare minimum ends up being a lot!  I keep getting ideas etc too for website changes and things to do.  I recently read a book about domains, and it talked about how you should build one page on every domain, rather than letting them just sit there.  One of those things that makes complete sense, but until you actually read it you don’t think of it.

So I went through a list of my domains.  I have a ton of NFL Tickets sites(like BEARSNFLTICKETS.COM etc) and me and Vin will split the load on those.  Taking those aside, I have about 68 domains that I need to write a 600 word article for.  I started that today while watching the soccer, and going to just keep writing this during the football tomorrow.

TV watching I’m down to 5 episodes left of Sopranos.  Should finish that in next few days.  Absolutely no idea what to watch next – hoping to convince the wife that I can go ahead and watch the rest of The Shield without her.

I finished most of the Joseph Finder books, and started John Grishams The Associate.  I forgot how great a writer Grisham was, and how easy his books are to read.  I read about 200 pages in an hour, and should have it finished tomorrow.  Then I might try Vince Flynn – Protect & Defend.

Also went to see Zombieland on Thursday which was a pretty fun movie.

I’ve been playing a fair amount of XBox 360 lately, and today I went on a marathon session, investing 7 hours into it and beating Saw.  Honestly probably not a good idea – I don’t mind playing for an hour or two, but those long sessions are killer, and make me feel like shit afterwards like I’ve totally wasted my day.  Think I’m going to tone down the 360 playing for a little bit.

Speaking of – I’m gonna go get me the alternate ending in Saw which should hopefully be worth an achievement.

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