Michael Jackson

Posted by Scotsman on June 25, 2009 in Life |

This is one of those celebrity deaths you just can’t believe.  I remember as a kid he was like my favourite ever, and then the child molestation stuff with Jordan Chandler came out, and people would pick on ME because of it, as if by liking Michael Jackson I had caused it or something.  I even got into a fight with someone over it once.  Since that whole ordeal, my interest in him was never the same.

Still – he was just an amazing performer.  There has been so much shit involved with his life – but at the end of the day he truly was the King of Pop, and had so many incredible songs and albums.  Only in death will he really get the appreciation he deserves – he has been a joke for at least the last 10 years, but really you can’t help but feel sorry for the dude.  I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be thrown into the limelight at such an early age, and go through everything he did – no wonder he was a bit fucked up.

All the craziness involving Michael really made people see him in a different light – at the very least, with his death, hopefully everyone can forget that and go back to seeing him for what he should be remembered as – a mind-blowing fucking performer, one of the best ever.  Of course that doesn’t sell papers, so I’m sure there’ll be a lot of shit coming out over the next year or so.

Also why is everyone a shock jock these days?  I can’t go to a forum, a blog or a twitter account that isn’t making jokes about Jacksons death, in the “omg so shocking” fashion.  It’s just weird seeing the world has come to – dude has died, leaving behind kids, a family, and millions of fans, and all everyone wants to do is make shocking jokes about it.  I guess that’s just the way this generation is.

Also – sorry gotta do this for search engines – but if you’re wanting to buy some DVDs, check out Michael Jackson DVD Deals.

I’m not religious and I don’t know if there is an afterlife or anything like that – but hopefully at least in death, Jacko will find that peace he never seemed to get in this life.

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