Well, at least I got some things accomplished today…

Posted by Scotsman on October 10, 2008 in Life |

…but christ, I really really suck when “forced” to write content.  I’m soneone that finds it very hard to sit down and say “Okay, I’m going to write a topic on this”.  I generally have to be inspired or motivated to write something, otherwise it ends up being a very slow process, and often poorly written.

So in the afternoon I procrastinated – rather than spend the time writing content, I played Superman Returns for the 360.  Quite a shitty game but oh well – just enough fun in it to make me pick it up and play for about 30 minutes.  After that I decided to make dinner – a home-made Caesar Salad(which my son fucked up by squeezing in too much lemon juice), pork chops for me and meatballs with my special cheese sauce for the wife and kids.  Christ I love to cook.  I’m not good at it or anything, but there’s nothing more enjoyable than spending time alone in the kitchen, cooking while watching TV(Entourage Season 4 was todays choice).

After that, I FINALLY sat down to do some writing – however it wasn’t what I was planning on.  It was a whole different article for Poker Affiliate Bible which I just came up with out of nowhere after thinking about a dinner I had the other night- It’s Easy Enough Coming Up With Ideas…but ideas don’t always translate into money.  Here’s an excerpt:

So for 20 minutes they basically gave me a virtual tour of the site, trying to sell it on me. And I had to admit I was impressed – they were able to visualize their site and present it in a way that I could too. However there was one thing I couldn’t visualize. So when they finished talking, I told them I only had one question:

How will this make you money?

They were as quiet as a mouse.

You can read the full article here.

I’ve decided to hold off on writing the Fighting Spirit Magazine column until I get to see the actual column I wrote for this months issue and how it was edited – I had a lot of swear words in it, as well as completely berating the editors, so I want to see if anything was cut out.  I already know the topic I’ll most likely be writing about though, and am looking forward to it as I get to take MMA fans down a peg or two.  For anyone wondering, this IS a paid gig, however I have asked the editor to donate all my paychecks to the Yorkhill Childrens Foundation, which is a very deserving charity.  I spent time in that hospital as a kid so it means a lot to me.

I ended up spending most of the night fixing up my ITunes/Music collection.  Basically it was a mess, and I went through and retagged about 300 songs that needed it.  I then fixed typos, removed duplicates etc etc – and now started up all new playlists etc.  Not exactly the most productive night when it comes to work, but that was something that was bugging the hell out of me for months so I am glad I finally made a start on it.

Tomorrow…well, I guess today – Friday – I gotta go for breakfast with my dad in the morning.  Wheee!  Then I’ve got a few errands to run, then I want to focus fully on Poker Affiliate Bible – I updated the design on that like a month ago, and there are many, many tweaks and shit I have to do to it.  I’ll also have to make my NFL picks and adjust my fantasy teams.  Then I’ll fix the database links since we switched the domains over, and finally tackle a whole bunch of shit on my to do list.  Sounds like a fun day, no?

I’m off to watch Mad About You and get some sleep.  In the episode I watched last night, half of Paul and Jamies apartment was freezing cold, the other half was boiling.  So they’d leave one room wearing overcoats, hats and gloves and get into the living room and strip down to their undies.  Oh such wacky adventures!

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