
Posted by Scotsman on June 8, 2009 in Gambling Affiliate Shit, Life |

It seems whenever I write here, I’m writing about stuff that I’ve already did.  So I thought just for a change, I’d write about my plans for today.

Unfortunately, they’re all pretty much work related.   I’ve got a ton of e-mails to go through, and I have to get Rakeback Resource sorted out with all the June promos.  Once that’s done, I’m going to hit up my 25 item “urgent”  to do list, and hopefully get everything on that done by lunchtime.  Then after a nice lunch of taquitos and Coca-Cola, I’ll get WNBATips up to snuff(got so much work to do on that, upgrading stuff and all this shit, doing proper SEO).  Then I have about 5-6 more websites I’m wanting to get launched, so I will spend the rest of the day at least getting them UP, domain wise, content management wise, and header wise(as I already have the header).

Then I’ll try to get Casino Affiliate Bible up and running FINALLY – just gotta write some content for that but I’ve been putting it off for some reason.  No more~!

And that is pretty much my exciting day.   I have the WEC PPV to watch from last night, so what I will do is watch one fight, do some work, then watch another fight and so on.  Breaking work up like that can really help productivity.

Or maybe I’ll just put Fallout 3 on “for a minute”, and then spend the rest of the fucking day playing that, in a 12 hour sessions.

Wouldn’t be the first fucking time 🙁

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