Hey I’m still alive

Posted by Scotsman on June 7, 2009 in Gambling Affiliate Shit, Life |

And I still have a blog!

Not updated in a few days as been incredibly busy.  My mum was over from Scotland until Thursday, and my sister is over as well until next Saturday, so I’ve been busy with the family stuff.  Also when there is a new month I have a lot of work to do, updating websites, rakeback payments etc.

To make matters worse, my 2nd playthrough of Fallout 3 has me fucking hooked.  I’m covering EVERYTHING I can in the game this time around, as I plan on selling it immediately upon completion.  I love it, but it’s just a time sucker.

Anyhoo, it’s been a very busy but productive week.  I have launched 3 new sites.  They are:

Ultimate Poker Search – This is a site I am really excited about.  It’s something I have had planned since 2005, but never managed to get implemented until very recently.  I’m working with Frank on this, and he has done just a superb fucking job in regard to all the coding etc behind it.  This has been very fun to work on because we’re both very alike when it comes to work, work ethic, design etc so we’ve been on the same page from the very beginning of the site.  It’s also just an awesome interface, and I think will be a real money site.  I’ll be pumping a LOT of marketing money into this baby.

Darts Betting Tips – What else, but a Darts Betting Tips site.  Only dedicated Darts Betting Tips site out there.  I’m working on this one with Dirty Hun from NPP, and even though it’s only been online 3 days, due to my leet skills it’s already had over 200 uniques.  I’m very happy with this site, and it’s covering a small but very profitable niche.

And also a 3rd site that I unfortunately cannot name.  It is a mini-site targetted on a VERY lucrative niche, and there are other opportunities out there.  If I was to tell you what it was, you’d see a TON of fucking clones of it, because I know a lot of internet marketers read this blog.  Sorry guys 🙂

But yeah – very productive if busy week.  I’ve been on my computer pretty much all Saturday and all Sunday.  Just now finished rakeback payments, feel like I am losing my mind.  Time to go to bed.  Hopefully going to take a day off sometime this week

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