I think I am responsible for the death of Test

Posted by Scotsman on March 14, 2009 in Life |

Ex-WWE wrestler Andrew Martin, aka Test, died this morning, and I think I may be responsible.

I was making plans last night as next month I am going to Toronto for a few days.  Toptenguy is coming down from Halifax to watch Wrestlemania, then the next day we are going to go watch the Blue Jays opener.  He then wants to go hang out with Melanie, Melanie is bolded, on the Tuesday, leaving me high and dry in Toronto unless I want to take the train or bus home.

So I spoke to some people I know in Whitby, and arranged a big poker tournament for the Tuesday, then I’ll crash at someones house there, and Toptenguy will pick me up on the Wednesday.  I mentioned this to Brando, and he is like “Hey that’s where Test is from, you should hang out with him.”

So I e-mailed him.

I e-mailed Andrew Martin last night to say that I would be in Whitby, and if he will be in Whitby at that time, perhaps we could hang out.

Hours later he was announced as dead.

Did I kill him?  Did the invitation to hang out to me get too much for him that he killed himself over it?  Or was he so excited at hanging out with the motherfucking Scotsman, that he had a heart attack?

Oh well fuck him – I’ll never forgive him for going over Shane McMahon and the Posse at 1999.

In other news, I’ve stopped watching The Shield……just so my wife can catch up.  I am at the season 3 finale and she is now hooked and blasting through it, and is on Season 2 already.  So she should be caught up in a couple of days.  In the meantime I downloaded every episode of Spin City, and will go through that.

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