Last night and today

Posted by Scotsman on February 14, 2009 in Life |

Well last night me and Risto hit up the Merchants in Kingston.  It’s a good pub with an identity crisis in that it’s a fucking pub, and has a bunch of shit bands, but trys to go for up-class clientele with their gourmet fucking menus.  Like a clubhouse doesn’t just have chicken on it, it has “Grazed Herb Chicken” etc.  No plain cheese pizza, but you can get a Brie & Pear one!!!

Anyway we had a few pints, split some nachos, and I had a hamburger.  The nachos was a HUGE portion, and afterwards the hot waitress came over and was like “Wow you guys ripped that apart”.  Yep – that’s how you impress a hot chick – with your EATING ABILITY.

I got home about 10:30 and was asleep by 10:45 which was good, and woke up at 6am with no hangover(god bless remembering to drink water), and decided to get to work.  I got motivated to work on NPP, so I spent all morning and the afternoon working on NPP, upgrading it etc.  I’m very happy with where it is going, and a lot of great additions should make the forum more fun, as well as more user-friendly.

Anyway I’m gonna get away from the internet for the rest of the day now because I’m tired of it and need to relax.

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