Crazy Trip: Part 2

Posted by Scotsman on January 29, 2009 in Life |

Let’s get all this homesickness nonsense off the front page and get everyone up to date with part 2 of my crazy trip.

Sunday: I’ve heard the phrase death warmed up and used it many times in my life prior to Sunday – but oh boy, did it ever fucking apply here.  Shit man, this was brutal.  Went to bed about 4am, somehow managed to make it up by 7am and off on a plane ride to Toronto, yay.  Made it into Toronto where I killed hours at the airport by playing Football Manager and doing a little bit of work, then it was off on the plane again, as I went to Scotland.

Monday: My mates picked me up from the airport and drove me home, where I proceeded to do fuck all for the day.  I sat around with my mum and watched some TV, went for a bath and fell asleep in the bath.  Got up, and my mum told me the Burns supper we’d be having would be in 10 minutes.  I’d eaten a batter sausage supper earlier that day, and my stomach was just in lots and lots of pain from that(not used to the grease), so I went to lay on the bed in pain for a bit…..and yep just like that, I passed the fuck out and didn’t wake up till 11am the next morning, when my mates came over.

Tuesday: So my mates came over and we were going to go out shopping.  Well we went to the town center, specifically Poundland, and then decided to proceed to the pub across the street.  Oops.  4 pints later and it was drinking time.  I was going out with another mate that night so didn’t plan on getting wasted – but yeah, my mates bird was mixing the drinks, and the coke and whiskey was getting triple shots of whiskey AND a shot of vodka in it.  Long story short – I don’t remember anything of that night, except at least two half bottles of Buckfast.  It’s Thursday night and I am still feeling the effects.  Oops.

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