Nice guys finish last.

Posted by Scotsman on December 29, 2008 in Life |

Or do they?

As I’ve mentioned here before, I was in an NFL Pickem League based on the spreads, where I had a $10k total prop bet with two other people, that I would finish ahead of one of the participants of the league.  I’m not the kind of person to generally just throw up $10k all willy-nilly, but I couldn’t resist this bet as I’m generally an excellent sports better, so knew I had an advantage.

Things were going well, and by about week 10 I was up by 150 points.  However my opponent had made a mistake in week 1, where when allocating confidence points he thought his top pick got 1 point, worst pick got 16 points etc, when it was obviously the opposite.  So he contacted me, asking if he could get the 54 extra points he should have got tacked on.  As I’m a nice guy, I said sure.

Well then I missed a game on Thanksgiving.  Although the rules said if you missed a game, you just allocate that game as confidence points 1 and move on, I decided that was unfair and so I gave it what I felt was fair – 10 points.

So basically I’d given up about 60+ points all because I’m a decent guy, but meh whatever, I still had a 100 point lead.  Which I blew in spectacular fashion.  I was really ill one week and logged just 11 points(I wrote about this before on here) and then the next few weeks I was late getting picks in and just rushed in them.  So basically it came down to Sunday, where I was ahead by 21 points.  In the early games it was…

I just got a call from my mum.  Her/our dog just died(not Abba), and he was only 7.  Yeah.

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