And the wait begins

Posted by Scotsman on December 22, 2008 in Life |

Took Abba to the vets this morning for her 9:20am appointment.  What happened was I was playing with her on Friday, when I noticed a huge lump almost the size of a baseball that had seemingly appeared overnight on her, just a bit lower than where the kidneys would be.  I called the vets, but they couldn’t get her in till today, so I had to sweat that out over the weekend.  I called on one of my friends who is a trainee vet who checked it out, and said there was a good chance it was a tumour.  Great.

So I took her to the vets this morning, and of course they stick a needle right in the fucking lump.  Such fun!  Then they look at it under microscope or whatever and find out more.  She said that looking at it, it seemed to be a bit “fatty” which means it is a benign tumour thank fuck.  They won’t know for sure though until later today, so I just have to wait it out.  I’m neither optimistic or pessimistic in these situations – I basically zone out of life until I find out what the results/answer is.

And so that is where I am at right now. I ‘m going to walk downtown as Skooch saved the day yet again.  I’ve been looking for Scene It: Friend Edition for the wife for Christmas but everywhere I checked never had it, and I mean I checked everywhere, even online.  I had given up, and was asking Skooch if they had it in HMV, and he then checked online and found it in the Source store just 0.8km from me.  I fucking hate the Source, and every employee related to it(yes, even you Marky Mark!) but I’ll slug it out for this stupid game.

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