Well that was quite the session

Posted by Scotsman on December 13, 2008 in Life |

I ended up staying up till about 1am last night, or 39 straight hours without sleep just so I could work, and boy did that feel good.  To finally get Rakeback Resource up and running was so important, and a big weight off my shoulders.  I also spoke with the guy who I started Ultimate Poker Bankroll with and we sorted things out.  Long story short, we started off as partners, but over the last year and a half I’ve basically did everything and him almost nothing, while we’ve shared the funds.  We had a bit of heated discussion, and he said he’d do stuff if I just told him what to do.  I pointed out that he isn’t my employee – he’s my partner, and he should be showing initiative and doing things of his own accord.  He realized then that he had really been screwing up, and we sorted everything out.  Really it was a lot of my own fault really for not talking to him about it before.

Anyway long story short, he’s now going to be doing a lot of work too, and is taking full control of the running of Ultimate Poker Bankroll.  I’ll let Rakeback Resource run itself for awhile and just get in search engines and stuff before I do more on it.  So this way I’m able to focus more on new projects, as well as sort some things out I really should’ve been doing before.  With all this weight off my shoulders it feels good, and I’m able to relax more.

I must laugh at myself though – I wrote this article for Rakeback Resource.  It’s XBox 360 achievements for online poker, and quite humorous if I must say so myself.  Anyway I thought I’d submit it to the likes of Digg etc and it’d be widly popular and be #1 on Digg and bring in 100,000 visitors – to be honest I was sitting here after submitting it analyzing my server to see if I needed to shut down NPP temporarily to control all the hits.  It ended up doing fucking awful – unfortunately these days if you don’t have a “Digg Circle” for the likes of Digg, you’re pretty much screwed, where your friends vote it up and get it over 100 Diggs then let the community decide.  Oh well what can ya do.  It only brought in 47 visitors from Digg, but oh well – I’ll give it to some social networking marketing companies and see what they can do.

Also god I love old Nintendo products.  I brought out my ancient gameboys today for the kids to play.  Neither one worked.  So then I banged them off my desk 3 or 4 times each, and they work!  Pity I couldn’t do that with the XBox 360(WHICH I AM STILL FUCKING WAITING ON).

Okay – time to look at the ol To Do List, and see what we have.  Currently 12 items:

  1. Road Trip to Marky Mark Stuff, start writing it in the form of a book!

    Still gotta write this, shouldn’t be TOO hard to do really.

  2. Lockpicks

    Still got those new lockpicks to fuck around with.

  3. NPP Articles: Mystress, XMas list, Scotsman in Barcelona, This Week in Betting Forum

    Ah yes.  I’ll do Betting Forum in a second, and I gotta watch some Xmas list stuff and I’ll get the two tied for #13 up later today, then probably Scotsman in Barcelona tomorrow as well as #12, and Mystress on Monday as well as more Xmas list.

  4. Fix Masons DS

    His R4 ain’t working or some shit.  Gotta look into that.

  5. Update Ipods, apps to add, Roboform?

    Gotta update my Ipod video with music, and see what apps and shit I can add to my Ipod Touch, ie: Roboform, to make life easier when browsing.

  6. CAP – Book Hotel

    Just gotta book my hotel for CAP in January.

  7. Poker Video Game Review Site

    Got a new site me and Brando are working on focused on Poker Video game reviews.  The work involved for me isn’t too much – just gotta do the design and all that, probably a few hours max, then let Brando to the rest.

  8. Amazon Books for J

    There was books I want for Christmas.  Have to make a list and send them to the wife.  MY LIFE IS SO HARD.

  9. NBA Tips

    Have to get back on track with NBA Tips today.  That’ll be 2nd priority behind Betting Week article.

  10. Rakeback Payments

    Gotta do rest of rakeback payments – did Full Tilt, now have to do Cake Referral and I am done.

  11. Fix up computer

    God knows when I will get to do this, but really need to do a thorough cleanup of the computer, install fresh version of Firefox etc as it is slow as shit lately.

  12. Xmas presents

    And finally I have a list of Xmas presents to buy still that I have to look around town for.  I’ll probably do this Monday.

And that is it.  Now to get the fuck to work!  Welcome to the weekend.  The worst thing is I don’t feel like writing content at all.  Oh well I’ll get in the mood after lunch.

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