Posted by Scotsman on December 10, 2008 in Life |

Well not really, I’m too old and busy these days for a net feud.  I gave someone a month long temporary ban on the SA Forums last night, because they were trolling everyone including me(and mod sass is a big offense there).  Well that person then proceeded to find my cellphone #, and send me over 100 text messages informing me that I was “a nigger”.

I decided just to let it go(apart from upgrading his ban to a perma-ban).  However I woke up this morning to see that he had tried to add me to facebook as well as my family.  I figure if I didn’t nip this in the bud now, the harassment will just continue.  So I spent the morning with my good private detective friend Detective Hamrick.  Then I sent the dude an AIM message providing him with his address, his telephone number, and informed him that I am aware he has multiple accounts on Full Tilt Poker and the Cake Poker network, as well as providing the usernames for those.  That’s a bannable offense btw, and he could lose the tens of thousands of dollars he has on this sites.  Then I let him know that if I get harassed just once more, I’ll contact his local authorities, as well as get him banned from both poker rooms, so hopefully that is the end of that.

Seriously, these silly feuds are just a waste of time these days, and obviously I am speaking from experience.  Life is too short to carry big grudges like that.


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