Catching Up…

Posted by Scotsman on November 19, 2008 in Life |

Well it’s been quite a busy week for your beloved Scotsman.  Let’s quickly summarize everything that has happened over the last few days:

Friday: It was Masons 5th birthday today.  We had a party with the kids earlier in the month, however this one was with the family.  As we were heading to McDonalds to celebrate that around 3pm, I really couldn’t commit myself to much work – at least not any of the bigger projects I have on the list.  So I did a few things, then played Fallout 3 for a bit.  Then it was off to McDonalds for the family birthday shite.  I pretty much spent the whole time hating life as I normally do when I spend time around the family.

After that, it was off to the mall as Santa Claus was coming.  Of course this was retarded – when is the mall busiest?  Friday nights.  So when do you bring in Santa?  Friday night of course!  So not only was the mall busy as usual, but there was a million fucking kids all over the place and it was just a disaster trying to find parking, then navigating through all these kids all hopped up on sugar.  It amazes me just how many badly behaved kids there are, then you here their parents screaming and yelling at them and realize it’s not the kids that are at fault – it’s the bad parents.

After that, we came home and I beat Fallout 3 then headed to bed rather earlyish.

Saturday: Brando was coming to town for UFC as I mentioned earlier, so I didn’t bother getting into much work.  Watched the soccer in the morning then relaxed for a bit and that was basically it.  Brando came, we played a bunch of XBox, and decided against heading to the pub due to it raining outside.  So we just stayed in, then watched UFC.  It was quite fun as this was the first time I’ve seen Brando drunk.  Not that he’s never been drunk around me before, but when he is I’m usually ten times as drunk as him so never even notice.  He was slurring his words and blaming it on a “hoarse voice” from yelling too much during Lesnar-Couture.  Not sure what he would blame the stumbling around on though…

Sunday: Brando left about 2pm so we got some 360 in before that.  After he left, I really didn’t feel like doing work as was a tad hungover, so watched football and played Shrek the 3rd with Mason all day, relaxing on the couch.  Managed to beat Shrek actually, and add that to my completed games on the achievement challenge.  Good stuff.

Monday: A lot of things on my to do list are to do with content, so I tried to do that.  However after writing the achievement challenge article, I realized I wasn’t in the mood for content writing.  I think a large part of that is because I went for a massage earlier in the morning, so my brain was a bit too relaxed.  I’m going to have to set a day to take off from any work and go for the massage then.  I didn’t do much at all on Monday, and as I was feeling kinda crappy just went for a bath, then headed for an early night about 9pm.

Tuesday: And that brings us to today.  I worked all day on just the one project, which is the poker room search project I’ve mentioned earlier.  So it is a kind of weird feeling, as I have worked my ass off all day yet my To Do List continues to grow.  42 items for those wondering.  Sigh.  Then at 8pm after doing all the work, I finally caved in and got Football Manager 2009 going….and it’s now 2am, and for the most part that’s all I’ve been doing(I also cleaned up all my e-mail inboxes as they got a bit cluttered).

Oh well – time for bed now, so I can wake up early tomorrow and…well, I’m not quite sure what to do.  I want to work all day on the rakeback site and get that up and running, but I think it might be best to just work on a lot of the smaller tasks on my to do list, and get that whittled down, especially as I am thinking of taking Mason to see Madagascar 2 tomorrow, so can’t really commit myself to a long project.  Sigh.  We’ll see.

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