I hate coming up with ‘subjects’

Posted by Scotsman on November 12, 2008 in Gambling Affiliate Shit, Life |

Seriously – it’s easy enough when I’m writing a specific topic, but really tough when it’s just a general rundown of my day.  My main problem is that I am so used to content writing and coming up with flashy titles to attract search engine visitors, that I often cannot “switch off” when writing a separate blog post.  From now on, anything where I can’t come up with a title, I’ll just use a quote from a TV show like Barney in HIMYM or from a movie, or song lyrics or something.

So…today.  Woke up at 11am, and worked solidly since then till the current time, about 6pm, and not sure if I’m finishing yet or not.  Actually I’ll probably take a break for a bit, as I’ve got content writing to do tonight and my wrists and hands are hurting.  Sigh.  Guess I will go play me some Fallout 3 if I REALLY HAVE TO.

As for today – well I accomplished a lot, but fucked if I can remember what most of that was.  I wrote a new article for PAB, Ten Topic Ideas for Poker Forums, which I think was a good one.  I worked on getting the mailing list fixed for that too so subscribers can be notifed of blog updates as right now it is not working correctly.  Getting Brando to go through and prune the member list as there was 100 bounced e-mails from spammers last time I sent out a mailing.  I also read a lot about “banner blindness” the other day, where people are so accustomed to banner ads these days they ignore them.  I’ve decided to test that out by replacing the “site of the month” banners on a bunch of my sites, and switching it to text instead.  You can see an example of that at The Ultimate Casino Guide.  No idea if it’ll actually work or not, but I’ll test it for 2 months then analyze the data.

Also I got a sweet deal on Amazon.com today – Family Guy The Complete Collection for just $59.99.  Absolutely fucking sick deal, I love it.

Anyhoo, off to do laundy, rest and then do some more content writing and I think that’ll be it for my work tonight.  Current To Do List: 14.

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