Two big projects done….

Posted by Scotsman on October 29, 2008 in Gambling Affiliate Shit, Life |

Well while my to do list still isn’t exactly healthy(50 items), I did manage to get two big projects out of the way today, which were the aforementioned Rakeback Resource, and final leaderboard information for a private poker tournament series I run.  The latter is done and dusted, while Rakeback Resource is currently in the hands of my coder.  Still work to be done on it, but the main thing is it is out of my hands for now.

Unfortunately, there are still more big projects I have to work on.  Over the next few days, I have to get an extensive data list for a poker room search site that I am working on, and then write up content for that as well as a few other things.  I hope to have that launched within two weeks.  I also have an NBA Betting site I need to get going – that should be relatively easy to set up, but still a lot of work involved in setting up my betting system etc.  I aim to have that up by the weekend.

I’ve also got a lot of maintenance and cleaning up to do on my server.  Again, hopefully on the weekend.  I’ve also got a ton of content I need to write, mainly for Poker Affiliate Bible, as well as some fun stuff for NPP.  Then there’s all the shit on my to do list.  I also haven’t logged into Skype in like a week and I know there is people anxiously awaiting me on there.

Of course, my ambitions are most likely not going to be achieveable.  Tomorrow night I’m going to some Halloween thing, I don’t even know what it is – some scary show or some shit, but I know it is going to suck.  Friday night is Halloween, so taking the kids out for a few hours.  Saturday Mason has a birthday party, and after having 15 kids running around in my house all day, I’ll be too exhaused to do work.  And Sunday I am pretty sure I have plans, although can’t remember what they are right now.

I’m tempted to stay up really late and work, but considering how well that worked last week when I woke up the next day with a 104 fever, I’m not going to bother with that.  I’ve got some e-mails I have to respond to, some “must do” stuff that won’t take long, and then plan to be in a bath by 12:30-1am.

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