Busy day today…

Posted by Scotsman on September 14, 2008 in Life |

I’m pretty sure I could make that the subject heading for every fucking day, actually.  I could barely get to sleep last night as I’m working my way through Dexter season 2, and just watched episode 8 – spoiler alert for the rest of this paragraph – which ended with Doakes finding Dexters stash behind the A/C.

So I could barely fucking sleep last night as I was hyped up from watching that.  Ideally I like to get to sleep at 10pm as I wake up at 6am every day and I need a good 8 hours to be fully productive.  Didn’t end up getting to sleep until 2am.  Was debating having a lie-in but Abba, as is her routine, barked the place down wanting out.  And if I don’t get down there within 5 minutes there’ll be piss all over the floor.  She’s a sweet dog, but an impatient cunt too.  So I took her out, made a tea, and went back to bed and drifted off for about 10 minutes…then she barked again, deciding she needed out once more.  Sigh.

So I gave up on sleep, and watched the soccer while working away on my sickingly long to do list.  I took a break last weekend from work as I was in Niagara Falls at an affiliate convention, and my mom is over from Scotland so I’ve spent time with her this week.  That means that the work has just piled up.  A lot of it is just annoying tasks too, like “update the Chili Poker affiliate link” but then there is some really huge shit on there too.  I spent all morning working on the minor stuff, responding to e-mails etc.

In the afternoon I went for a walk downtown to look in the used DVD stores, but didn’t see anything that I liked.  I just recently(like 2 days ago) decided to dump the piracy option and start buying DVDs, and now I am fucking hyped for it and can’t wait to go to Costco where I will no doubt blow over $1000 without even blinking.  Came home, and played in the GSOP while doing some work.

After that, I spent the next two hours making my vegetarian chilli, and watching an episode of Dexter.  My mom has never had my vegetarian chilli and so I wanted to make it for her – she loved it, of course.  I’ll have to post the recipe sometime.  I miss being a vegetarian at times because some of the recipes were so fun and tasty, and it was so challenging to actually make myself something to eat, and kept me away from fast food.  I’m thinking about becoming a vegetarian again just for the hell of it but not 100% yet.

Anyway it is now 9:30pm – my mom is away to the bus station to meet her boyfriend as he is coming over for the week.  I’m sitting here just debating what to do – play some XBox 360 or do some work(Work will no doubt win out – sigh).  Then it’s off to bed, and fighting off temptations to finish off Dexter.

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