It’s 3am – and I just woke up!

Posted by Scotsman on October 25, 2008 in Life |

Except it’s not exactly an early start to the day – more a late start, considering I have been in bed for 23 fucking hours.

Anyone who read Scotsmanality Deux or knew me, knew that ever since I had mono many moons ago, my immune system was pretty much non-existent, and I caught every bug going.  About a year ago, I had an illness(pneumonia) so bad that I couldn’t even make it to my daughters baptism.   After that, I went to see a nutrionalist, as I was tired of useless doctors.  We came up with a plan and I got right at it, and since then I’ve been feeling a lot better.  I’ve had a couple of bouts with the flu etc. since then, but really nothing bad at all, and I’ve generally felt really healthy.

Until Friday.

See, over the past week I’ve not been feeling great.  I’ve had the chills, where even if you’re wearing warm clothing, got a blanket etc over you, you’re still fucking freezing.  It’s like your bones are just made of ice.  However that’s the only sypmtom I’ve had so I thought I would be fine.  Went to bed last night feeling alright, and in just a few hours everything turned upside down.  I woke up Friday at about 9am pretty much delirious – I was freezing, but I also had a 104 fever.  I was hallucinating, my head was just pounding, everything.  So I’ve basically been in bed sleeping all day long,   And I’ve spent the day basically alternating between feeling too hot, and too cold.  Like one second I am guzzling back iced water, in my birthday suit and in front of a fan, the next second I’m wrapped up with 3 sweaters, drinking tea.

To show how bad it is – when I am sick, I still work.  Never do I stop working.  Even when I was laid out with pneumonia last year, I still had the laptop in front of me most of the day doing work.  Now?  I haven’t even looked at an e-mail or anything like that, and not fucking planning on it.  I just got up to make a tea and decided to check in to make sure the world was still turning, and now most likely back to bed.

Also I haven’t even had a cigarette all day!  Yay.  I haven’t ate all day either, and now it is 3am and I am craving me some fucking nachos.  Not just any nachos – ones with sour cream, cheese, chives, peppers, refried beans etc.  MMMHMMMMM.  Fuck that would be good.

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