I am so fucking delusonial

Posted by Scotsman on October 19, 2008 in Life |

“First thing I am going to do when I get there though is tell the bartender to cut me off at 3 pints, as I really don’t need to wake up with a hangover tomorrow.”

Ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah, okay.

So I didn’t tell them to cut me off after 3 pints.  I didn’t drink water during drinks.  I didn’t get home early.  I was just, as usual, a fucking idiot.  Started off with the pints, then my friend ordered shots of Jager so we did a few of those.  Next up was an Irish Car Bomb – and if you don’t know what that is you have to experience it at least once in your life, believe me.  Sadly I seem to experience it every time I hang out with that particular friend.  So yeah, we got fucked up at one bar, and then the bill came and my pints weren’t even on it, sweet!  So we left there, and went to the Tir Na Nog and had a couple of pints and some shots there.

Time to go home?  Hardly.  Next up was a house party, where I drank…..SOMETHING with whiskey in it, no idea what the fuck it was, and then made the only good decision all night – smoking some ganja.  I don’t smoke up that much at all – usually only when I am drunk, but it was a very good decision as I never seem to get hangovers when I do that, and sure enough after drinking enough booze to kill a person, I’ve woken up today with no real hangover, just a bit of a headache.

We eventually left the party…to go drink some more at another bar.  Wheee.  Finally headed home at about 2am, where we drank some more before finally they left.

So we’ll see how today goes.  Feeling a bit spaced out, but lots of work to do – I’ll probably just lie on the couch and watch football all fuckin day.

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