Goddamn cold
I woke up yesterday with the chills, and knew a cold or a flu was oncoming. So I popped extra vitamins, echinacea etc and just spent the day relaxing. Usually when I’m sick I’ll stay in bed but work on my laptop, however I focused mainly on no work yesterday, as I have a big weekend planned of work, UFC, football and apple picking, so I really didn’t want to get sick. Woke up today and…sick! Damnit. I think I’m on the fence though, so I’m just gonna keep popping pills and crossing my fingers.
Still could be worse – I could be this guy. I showed that to Janise and we spent about 10 minutes just laughing, mocking and pointing.
My nephew is over and he has taken over Janises computer playing Webkinz, and now Mason is taking over my computer to play it too so I’ll be back later!