Been Awhile

Posted by Scotsman on April 30, 2012 in Life |

Whew – haven’t really updated here in awhile.

Been incredibly busy mostly work-wise. And I’m sure you guys head about it, but in case you didn’t I won Mick Foleys RAINN Raffle, and won a trip to Wrestlemania where I got to have lunch with Foley and the Divas and shit. It was amazing. Full PG Trip Report.

I bought a Kindle in January and man – that thing is just unreal. I’ve been reading on the HP Touchpad but tablets are so big and bulky – having the Kindle makes all the difference in the world. It’s something that is so easy to carry around – freaking love my Kindle and highly debating just ditching EVERY BOOK I OWN which is quite hard to do.

Funny web story about that actually – I bought the domain BuyKindle.ca with the intention of turning it into a full Kindle affiliate site. I did all this work over the course of a weekend on the site and just when I went to launch I thought – um, will Amazon let me use their trademark? Turns out they won’t, and also go NUTS making sure people don’t do that. Oopsies.

Off to Edmonton on Wednesday for the traditional yearly meetup. Very excited about that. Then when I come back I won’t have any trips for awhile so I can really get into a nice schedule/routine which I love.

I’ll write more later. Right now I am exhausted and going to go sleep.

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