lol Rogers

Posted by Scotsman on December 5, 2011 in Life |

It never ceases to amaze me how fucking retarded some companies are.

Cellphone companies especially – in Canada they’d winningly give their own blood to get you to sign up with them – yet when you do, they treat you like crap. The ONLY way to get a good deal is by basically threatening to cancel their service and dealing with retentions. However their entry level CSRs are insanely restricted, and can’t offer you much at all.

I’ve had a cellphone with Rogers for approximately 10 years now. Prior to that I was with Telus. With my contract up in 3 days, I’ll be moving to Bell.

I wasn’t planning on moving to Bell. I couldn’t be bothered with the hassle(even though it’s minimal). So I decided to give Rogers a chance. I contacted them, told them my contract was up, and if they wanted to keep me it was very simple – give me a Blackberry Bold 9900 for free. Do that and they have me for another 3 years.

It gets even better for them. If I got the Bold 9900 for free, I’d give my current Bold 9700 to my wife. That’d mean I would be getting a data plan for the wife – so boom, they make more money there. It’s really win-win for Rogers.

Their reply? They told me I could upgrade to the Blackberry Bold 9900. For $250.

So just to lay it all out there. They told me, a 10 year retaining customer who pays $200+ a month and was looking to pay even more, that I can have a Blackberry Bold 9900 for $250.

Yet on their website, they tell all new customers that they can get the Bold 9900 for $170, $80 less than what they were going to charge me.

When I started talking to Rogers I knew I wasn’t going to get a good deal off their entry-level CSR, and figured I’d have to talk to retentions about it to really hook me up. But I didn’t know they were going to insult my intelligence like that.

I have no particular allegiance when it comes to cellphone companies. They’re all scumbags really – but it does bug me when a company doesn’t make a 10-year customer who is willing to spend money feel valued.

End result? Moving to Bell. Where I get a Blackberry Bold 9900 for free. Oh, AND a Blackberry Curve 9360. For free.

Rogers are fucking morons. Dear Rogers: You can thank “Mark C” from online customer service for losing you this customer.

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