Dear Today

Posted by Scotsman on October 7, 2011 in Life |

Dear Today,

Thank you for making me appreciate irony.  My son came running into the computer room today.  When I asked what he was doing, he said “I heard on the news(radio) that today was going to be a bad day, and I want to google it to know why.”

I laughed at the fact that my child like any child has a limited vocabulary yet knows the word “google”.  I then explained to him that there was no such thing as a “bad day”.  I didn’t get all “time is of no meaning” on him or anything, but I did inform him that the guy on the radio was wrong.

Thanks for attempting to prove me wrong!

Honestly. I won’t go into everything that you’ve did to me today.  I don’t want to go all emo and livejournal.  I do want to applaud you for some of the things you’ve did today though.  I mean okay – an affiliate program dropping my commission from 50% to 15% overnight? That’s the kind of stuff I expect.  Complete and utter lack of motivation due to losing an article I was writing?  Yep, that happens.

But some of the shit you did today was so out of left-field.  Breaking my stove?  That was a good one.  Really didn’t expect that.

I have to bow down and applaud you though, for what I can only call the “highlight of the day”.  Leaving the house without my keys when I went to go pick up the kids, which resulted in me and the kids being locked out.  I have not ONCE been locked out of a house in my life – yet it just so happened to happen today?  And of course we had no spare keys, so me and the kids were stuck outside for 3+ hours?  Because my wife just HAD to be in an area at her university where there’s no reception?

That – I have to tip my hat off to.  That was fucking beautiful.

I’ve thought long and hard about today, I really have.  As a believer in karma(the My Name is Earl kind), I’ve been trying to think if I did anything “bad” to deserve a day like this.  The only thing I can think of is that I called Albert Einstein “overrated”.  Maybe he’s your relative or something, and you took offense at that?

So yeah – I’ve thought long and hard about today.  Initially, I thought that today was trying to tell me something.  It was trying to tell me “today is a bad day.  Fuck off and come back tomorrow”.

But I’m not gonna do that.

When it comes down to it – I love today!  I’m not one of those people that will sit and whine and cry until you have to yank out the worlds smallest violin for me; I’m a very positive person who always sees the funny side.  I’m laughing my ass off at today.  It’s just been so over-the-top ridiculous I can’t help but laugh.

And really – we need days like today.  If all we had were good days, then we’d never appreciate them.  We’d never strive to have good days.  So it’s always nice to appreciate the good days, and thanks for the reminder.

Oh yeah and one last thing Today….

Go Fuck Yourself.

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