What a Crazy Month

Posted by Scotsman on July 23, 2011 in Life |

Boy am I glad July is almost done with.

With everything that’s happening in the gambling world at the moment, the LAST thing you really should be doing as an internet marketer is taking time off, yet I was basically forced to take the whole month of July off.

I’m not exactly complaining because it’s been a fun few weeks – but man, the stress of no work and falling really behind is getting to me.

The first week we headed to the cottage for the week. I always load up my Netbook with potential work before going there, then end up never doing a goddamned thing. As soon as we returned my sister came over for two weeks, so we were really busy with her a lot.

So yeah, practically no work done the last 3 weeks, which is really wearing on me. Hopefully get back to the grind soon.

On top of all that, it’s our 9th anniversary today. Well, 9th anniversary of hooking up, 6th anniversary of our wedding. With every crazy thing going on though, we’re not really that bothered with it. Mason had eye surgery yesterday, so our day today basically consisted of him waking up at 4am screaming because his eyes were in pain, battling with him to take eye drops, saying goodbye to my sister who was flying back to Scotland, me fighting a nasty cold and coughing up blood mostly due to the heat, and oh yes: the heat. We’ve basically been huddled in the living room all 4 of us with the air conditioner the last few days.

Hopefully the weather will chill a bit this week, and I’ll be able to buckle down and get some work done.

In other news, I quit drinking. This isn’t a long-term thing or anything – I won’t be attending AA every Monday. It’s just a short-term thing while I get my shit together.

Basically I’ve always had the inability to control my drinking. When I start drinking I won’t stop until someone makes me(ie: time to leave the bar or w/e). I’ll just drink and drink and drink and drink.

That’s bad enough, but the after-effects have worsened. What was once a horrible one-day hangover has now stretched to two days, both mentally and physically. Physically I’m sick for two days, vomiting constantly, unable to hold anything down and just feel completely worn out. Mentally man I dunno – I’ve been getting insanely depressed after drinking.

Last weekend for example I was in Ottawa for my best friends 30th birthday. I got pretty wasted the Friday night and that was it – no drinking Saturday or anything. But even on the Sunday I was to go downtown to see the Buskers with the family, and I had to take a valium just to get up and do that as I was just feeling mentally like absolute shit.

Really is no fun, and not worth the few hours of fun for the 48 hours of sheer utter hell.

I don’t really drink anymore anyway. The only time I drink is on Tuesdays when I go out with my buddy. When we go out we aim to just have “5 pints” – but usually go overboard with 7 or 8 so I’m fucked up. What I may end up trying is starting off by just drinking coca-cola or water or something, and then with an hour or so left have a pint before we leave. That way I’ll still actually be of my senses and want to leave, not being in “omfg must drink beer like water” mode.

Anyway that’s my stories. Gonna go to sleep now.

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