Hey I bought a new phone!

Posted by Scotsman on April 10, 2009 in Geek Stuff |

It’s been a crazy week and I haven’t been at the computer much; sorry for lack of updates, and I’ll write something more detailed when I have time.  I’ve been working since 6am today however, and it’s 11:40pm and I have at least another 3-4 hours of work left to do, before attempting to take the weekend off.

Anyway although it’s been a busy day, I took some time out to buy myself a new phone.  I’ve had a shitty phone history – every phone I’ve had ends up breaking.  Some because they are poorly made(3 fucking Razrs), some because I’m an idiot(sure I’ll respond to this text message in the pouring rain), and others because I let my son play with it when he was 2, and he drooled all over it.

Last year I bought a Japanese Iphone knockoff, and it sucked.  The touch screen keyboard was useless as a child would have problems keying stuff on it.  The navigation etc sucked too, and overall it was just a piece of shit.

I kept putting off buying a new phone.  I was debating with going with another Razr just so I could text again, or waiting for a new iPhone or something to come out.  However I’ve been thinking a lot about my life lately, and the fact that I don’t get out anywhere near as much as I used to.  A large reason for that is because I hate going places because if I am away for a few hours the e-mails etc can pile up.  Worse, I pride myself in customer service, and if someone e-mails me saying “Hey I signed up for Full Tilt Rakeback” I want to be able to respond to them within an hour or so max.  In the rakeback industry, customer service is the one thing that can really make you stand out over other sites.

So yeah – I went for one of these:

That is a Blackberry Bold and will hopefully make my life a lot fucking easier.  I managed to get a good Rogers Rep on the phone, and got it for just $250.  It’ll also be at least $50 a month which is a bit meh, but it should make life a lot fucking easier.  No more will I have to go to the computer during commercial breaks to see if any e-mails have came in, etc.

I’ve been aching for a Blackberry for awhile.  I actually bought one a few years ago(around the time I had Scotsmanality Deux just started) but returned it within a day as I didn’t want it.  Really at that time I just didn’t fucking need it.  Now I am pretty sure it is going to be one of those things that within a week, I will wonder what I did without it.

Anyway more luck to do – but I am excited about the Blackberry yay!  It should arrive next Wed-Friday.

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