Making money online is so fucking easy…

Posted by Scotsman on January 15, 2009 in Gambling Affiliate Shit |


I talk to tons of my sub-affiliates a day, as well as fellow affiliates.  I talk to friends who have thought about or even tried to start websites.  Everyone has this one goal: to make money online.  Yet time and time again they fail, and they don’t understand it.

Me neither.

Oh, I understand why they don’t make money online.  I just can’t understand why THEY can’t see it.  Seriously – it’s not that hard.  It’s supply & demand – find something that people want, then give it to them, in a way that makes you money!  It’s something you can get started in a day!

My latest venture was a two day process.  Here’s what I did:

Day One:

  1. Looked around online at affiliate programs to see what I could market online.
  2. Wrote down a list of ideas, then used programs like Wordtracker to see how popular certain phrases were and see if I could find a niche.  For example – you could have a website with book reviews, but there’s a lot of books out there.  So you could narrow it down to buy fiction books or fiction book reviews.  Narrow it down even further to mystery fiction.  Hell, narrow it down even more to buy john grisham books online.  Look through the stats, and get a general idea of how many people are looking for whatever you want to market.
  3. Look at your competition.  Key in phrases like buy john grisham books or mystery fiction book reviews and see what your competition is doing.  See how many sites there are that could compete with you.  If you google “buy john grisham books” right now, you’ll see that there isn’t much competition out there, so this could be a site you want to do.
  4. Brainstorm.  I like to take a pen and paper, make a pot of tea,then go relax outside, smoke, drink tea and just brainstorm.  Jot out ideas for what I want on the site, what I think people are looking for etc.
  5. At this stage I like to sleep on it, get an early start the next day and most likely have more ideas.  By sleeping on it, you get your brain more relaxed and are able to think better.

Day Two:

  1. Buy a domain.  If you don’t have hosting, buy hosting(fuck I’ll give most of you guys free hosting).
  2. Set up a content management system like WordPress.  Install a theme/template from one of the millions of free ones out there.
  3. Install any necessary plugins.  Things like “All-in-one-SEO Pack”, “Google Sitemaps” and “Duplicate Content Remover” are 3 examples.
  4. Install Google Analytics for stat tracking.
  5. Write at least 5 pages of content.
  6. Sign up at the relevant affiliate programs, and add links on the written content.

And boom, you’re done.  Sure I simplified that a bit – but fuck, it really is that easy.  The “Day Two” part you could seriously get accomplished in like an hour to two hours.  Depending on the site and your mood, you can either write content every day, or every few days, or once a week or whatever.  While doing this you spend time analyzing your google stats, seeing what phrases visitors are coming to your site via, what they are looking for – and guess what – you provide that for them.  If someone googles the cheapest price to buy The Firm online, you create a page that tells them that exact fucking information!  Then guess what happens – they google, they find that page, they see it’s $5 at Amazon or whatever and they click the link to go buy it, and just like that you’ve made money.

Seriously people – this shit ain’t fucking hard.  If any of you want me to help you do anything like this, just PM me on NPP.

And with all that – I now present my latest project – hey, do you buy DVDs online from time to time?  Wouldn’t it be great if there was a page that listed all the latest DVD deals, so you can keep tabs on what DVDs have just went on sale at online retailers and so on?

Daily DVD Deals / Sales for USA & Canada.

Yep, that fucking easy.

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