XBox Update: Lets Go Lego!

Posted by Scotsman on May 13, 2019 in XBox |

With Avengers: End Game coming out, my son came up with the idea of doing a Marvel Movie Marathon. While not the biggest comic book movie fan I figured ah what the hell. I’m glad I did it as it changed my opinion a lot. It also made Civil war and Infinity War much better […]


XBox Update: Crackdown = CrackDONE

Posted by Scotsman on May 6, 2019 in XBox |

Hey lookit that – I actually started a game then finished it all within a reasonable timeframe! Unlike the 3 months it took me to beat Far Cry Primal, this one took me…yikes, still feels like a fairly long time. The 27th of April I started it, the 6th of May I finished it. So […]

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