UFC 97 Bay-Bee!
Got tickets today for UFC 97. I totally forgot they were going on pre-order, but thankfully all Canadians are cheap fucks, because the only seats still available when I went to order like 6 hours after pre-order was what I would’ve wanted, which was floor seats. Cost $550 but oh so worth it, and seats […]
Update from Twitter
Whee just got floor seats for UFC 97
Update from Twitter
Just posted ton of deals – best place to pre-order Dexter S3, and great deals on complete series of TV shows https://www.buydvdsforsale.com
Well I finally got my first rakeback newsletter out for all my players – you can see it here. This is one of those things I’ve been wanting to do for fucking months, and we’ve been working for the last 4 months building up the mailing list just so we could do that. Very, very […]