Customer Service

Posted by Scotsman on December 4, 2008 in Life |

I’m going to write a more detailed article about this for the Poker Affiliate Bible I think, but while it was fresh in my mind I wanted to touch upon a few key things. I spend a lot of time reading books, forums, blogs and newsletters in regard to internet marketing.  I see people talking […]


Didn’t I already say nothing good ever happens after 2am?

Posted by Scotsman on December 4, 2008 in Gambling Affiliate Shit, Life |

So why the fuck am I still up?  You think I would learn.  I’m overworking myself right now, and I’m gonna have to start pacing myself soon before I start to suffer some burnout. Anyhoo – I spent most of the morning basically catching up with e-mails and stuff like that.  Then I went through […]

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